The definition of Glycolysis?
what is a series of enzymatic reactions that metabolize glucose
True or False
Many of "Society" myths about creatine are accurate
What is False
Aerobic metabolism is what?
What is the primary source of energy at rest and during extended, low--intensity activities
During aerobic exercise what occurs?
What is Aerobic enzymatic activity increase
As exercise intensity increases, what else increases?
What is the % of ATP from CHO
Glycolysis occurs where?
What is sarcoplasm of muscle cells
Short-term benefits of creatine consumption?
What is the increased amount of total work performed in the gym and performance in sports
Aerobic pathways can also use fat, and when necessary, what else?
What is Protein
What are two aerobic adaptations to exercise?
What is Aerobic enzymatic activity increases and Increased substrate availability
At rest, what percentage of ATP is derived from CHO?
What is 33%
Changes in glycolytic enzymes may improve performance by increasing what from glycolysis?
What is ATP availability
Long term benefits of creatine consumption
What is increased muscle creatine content and increased lean body
This term oxidizes substrates and produces some ATP as Derivatives of protein, fat, and carbohydrates enter
What is Krebs Cycle
Lactate threshold occurs when?
what is at a higher percentage of maximal oxygen consumption with training
At maximal exercise intensity what percentage of carbs as anaerobic metabolism becomes predominant
source of energy?
If pyruvate is converted to what, it will not enter aerobic pathways
Increased Muscle Creatine content allows for what?
What is a greater acceleration of ATP
This term's function Produces the majority of ATP during aerobic metabolism, called oxidative
What is Electron Transport Chain
This occurs when an individual is at a submaximal intensity during aerobic exercise.
What is greater reliance on lipid metabolism, which thereby spares glycogen and limits fatigue at that pace
At higher exercise intensities what percentage of energy is derived from fat?
what is ~33%
what is
Two pyruvic acid molecules
Two NADH + HTwo NADH + H++
two ATP molecules
A term used to describe the process when somebody first begins taking creatine
What is "Loading Phase"
When forming water from hydrogens, this element acts as the final hydrogen and electron acceptor at the end of ETC
What is Oxygen
When Aerobic Metabolism is at Its Best, what increases?
What is Increased mitochondrial density &
volume and Increased blood supply
At low exercise intensities (~20% VO22 max), what percentage of energy is derived from fat?