The bell doesn't dismiss you...
What is Ms. Lyric does?
The binder’s five tab sections
What is Table of Contents, Vocabulary, Notes, Homework, and Resources?
This book focuses on Pursuing Dreams.
What is A Raisin in the Sun?
The percentage of your grade that comes from Major Assessments.
What is 50%?
What are FLACS core values?
What is scholarship, empathy, integrity, grit, and service?
Bookbags should be placed...
What is under your chair?
Extra Cornell Notes can be found here...
What is the gold tray?
Name the three ways I will grab the attention of the class.
What is OVO, H-O-T-T, and look around everybody on mute?
True or False: Late work is accepted but 5 points are taken off for everyday it is late.
What is false, late work is NOT accepted?
What is The Perks of Being a Wallflower?
This is what should be done as soon after sitting down.
What is read independently?
What is picking up and handing in handouts?
The third consequence for not following expectations.
What is 5 minute reset?
Included in the Student Work category.
What is classwork, homework, and participation?
The amount absences that can be excused with a parent note per semester in ELA.
What is 3?
This should be avoided during dismissal the end of class.
What is slamming, throwing materials and not keeping hands to self?
These items can be found in the house caddy.
What is pens, pencils, highlighters, sticky notes, and correction tools.
This is required in order to check in or out a classroom library book.
What is completing the Google Form?
Only if your absence excused, you have this amount of time to make-up missed work.
What is a one-day for each day absent?
This individual or individuals will stack the laptops and binders at the center of the desk.
What is the Cleanup Crew?
These individual is responsible for collecting and putting away the caddies for their house.
What is the Head of Household?
Name three parts of the class expectation acronym ENGLISH.
What is Engage Actively, Nurture Respect, Give Your Best, Listen and Learn, Inquire Continously, Stay Organized and Honor Differences?
The penalty for academy dishonesty.
What is automatic failure of the assignment with no redo, write-up on Kickboard, parent contact and disciplinary referral?
The essential question for the class.
What is how are humans driven by the need to belong?