Guarantees people with disabilities have a say in electing state, local, and national leaders by making voting accessible to individuals with disabilities.
Help America Vote Act (HAVA)
You have the right to live in an appropriate, __________, and sanitary environment.
You have the right to adequate __________ that meets nutrition standards.
The right to live free from all forms of ___________, including, but not limited to, emotional, physical, and psychological.
You have the right to have and spend your own __________ in the way you choose, as long as you have the ability to do so.
Helps people with disabilities attend college, technical institutions, graduate programs, etc., and provides more financial assistance.
Higher Education Act/Higher Education Opportunities Act (HEOA)
You have the right to have your personal and ____________ records kept private and confidential.
You have the right to participate in the ______________ process (vote).
You are allowed to have friends of both ______.
If you do not like something you have the right to __________ out against it.
Makes it possible for students with disabilities in K-12 to have accommodations, even if it is found that they do not qualify for special education services.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
You have the right to participate in _________ that affect your life.
You have the right to go to school, work, and do things in the _________________, and you have the right to choose where you do these activities.
You have the right to practice the ____________ of your choice, or abstain from the practice altogether.
Provides rights and protections for parents and students, as well as states children 3-21 years of age are entitled to FAPE. To qualify, students must have a disability that falls under one of the 13 qualifying categories AND need special education to make progress in school.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
You have the right to select a parent or ____________ to act on your behalf.
You have the right to _______ and use personal possessions.
You have the right to look for a _________ and to make money.
You have the right to _______________, both periods (times) and places (locations).
You have the right to be free from unnecessary chemical and _____________ restraints.
You have the right to receive care and treatment in the ______ __________ manner.
least intrusive
You have the right to necessary _____________ services, such as PT, OT, Speech/Language, etc.
You have the right to refuse to participate in any medical, psychological, or other research or _____________.