What fuels the water cycle?
The Sun.
Which agricultural watering technique has the best rate of efficiency for the plants?
Drip Irrigation
What do we call water that is trapped in rocky layers beneath the earth's surface?
What is Evapotranspiration?
Water is evaporated into the air from soil and plants leaves.
What is a cloud?
A collection of water vapor that gets heavy and cools to liquid.
What is the name of resources that do not replenish in a human lifetime?
What is surface runoff?
When water does not soak into the ground but flows on a path to a river.
Which agricultural watering technique has the best cost benefit to the farmer?
What is Condensation?
When water molecules and (vapor) in the air cool and become liquid.
What is carbon dioxide?
A greenhouse gas that traps heat from the Sun and warms the Earth.
What is precipitation?
When water falls onto Earth as rain, snow, hail or sleet.
What is percolation?
When water soaks deeper into the ground by gravitational pull.
What is albedo?
What is the atmosphere made of?
Gases and aerosols.
What is global climate change?
Greenhouse gases altering weather patterns on earth.
Donald Glover/Childish Gambino
What is the Troposphere?
The Troposphere is the layer closest to the Earth's surface it holds most of the atmosphere's mass. It is the region where clouds form and where all weather happens.
What is the Mesosphere?
The Mesosphere is the coldest layer of the atmosphere. At its outer reaches, called The Mesopause, temperatures average -90 Celsius. Most meteors burn up in this layer, creating shooting stars.
What is acid rain?
Gaseous pollution mixed with rain water. Has corrosive properties over time.
This famous painter outshone her husband, Diego Rivera, and was known for her use of fruits, mokeys, butterflies, and eyebrows.
Frida Kahlo
What percentage of the water on Earth is salty?
97% (less >1% is fresh and available for drinking)
Name the three things scientists must take into account when dealing with sustainability?
Ethics, Economics, and the Environment
This famous drama from the Bard recounts a murdered king of Denmark, his lunatic son, a skull and a fight for the throne.
Name three gases in the atmosphere.
Nitrogen (78%) oxygen (21%) as well as carbon dioxide, water vapor, ozone, and argon
Name a major source of river pollution? Is it point or non-point?
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