Revise & Edit A
Revise & Edit B
Revise & Editing C
Revise & Editing D

What correction should be made to this sentence?

Breanna and Jeriun was going to LJ's house to work on there science project, but they forgot the materials at home.

was should be changed to were 

there should be their 

Breanna and Jeriun were going to LJ's house to work on their science project, but they forgot the materials at home.


What are the four paragraphs called in an ECR?


Body #1 Paragraph

Body #2 Paragraph



What change, if any, should be made to this sentence: Your brain is responsible for controlling the muscles that you move intentional. 

a. Add a comma before for 

b. Change controlling to controling 

c. Change intentional to intentionally 

c. Change intentional to intentionally


Fill in the blank with the correct your/you're:

Blaze, Antonio, and Jaydon Z said that ______ going to need to bring ______ own supplies to the art class tomorrow.

Blaze, Antonio, and Jaydon Z said that you’re (you are) going to need to bring your own supplies to the art class tomorrow.


When the narrator uses "She, He, they" it is written in this perspective?

Third Person


What correction should be made to this sentence?

Eloy Tito and Rolando was playing soccer after school but they didnt bring there water bottles.

Place commas between the names.

was should be changed to were.

didnt should be didn't.

there should be their.

Eloy, Tito, and Rolando were playing soccer after school, but they didn't bring their water bottles.


What is this called?

Like chimpanzees and monkeys. 



Fill each blank with the correct their/there/they're:

She was _____ waiting for her father to pick her up from soccer practice after a long day. As she waited, she noticed a few students walk by with _____ dogs. "_____ adorable!" she called out to them.

She was there waiting for her father to pick her up from soccer practice after a long day. As she waited, she noticed a few students walk by with their dogs. "They're adorable!" she called out to them.


Pick one: 

The boys (drove/drived) down the street. 


The boys drove down the street. 


What the story is mainly about?

Central or Main idea


What word belongs in the blank?

The children played over _____ under the tree at recess. 






What changes need to be made?

Nathan, Roxi, and Zaryia wants to join the basketball team, but they didn't turn in they're permission forms on time.

wants should be changed to want 

they're should be their 

Nathan, Roxi, and Zaryia want to join the basketball team, but they didn't turn in their permission forms on time.


What change, if any, should be made to this sentence:

 Your brain helps you breath, keeps your heart beating, and directs your stomach to digest food. 

Change breath to breathe


What needs to change in this sentence?

Savannah, Bobby P, and Braden was excited for the field trip, but none of them brought there lunches.

was should be changed to were 

there should be their 

Savannah, Bobby P, and Braden were excited for the field trip, but none of them brought their lunches.


When you highlight, underline or write symbols on a text/passage that you are reading.



Rewrite the following sentence correctly.

Jacob Rubi Stephanie and Adalina went to the movies but they forgot to buy the tickets before they got there.

Add commas between the names and a comma before but to separate the clauses. 

Jacob, Rubi, Stephanie, and Adalina went to the movies, but they forgot to buy the tickets before they got there.


What sentence stem can you use to cite your evidence?

According to the text... 

This evidence proves . . .


Melody's opening sentence (very 1st sentence) is unclear. How could we make it better? 

"They are continually telling us that we should become more involved in the community by volunteering our time."

a. change 'They' to 'Teachers and leaders at our school'

b. change 'continually' to 'always'

c. change 'telling us' to 'instructing us' 

A: change 'They' to 'Teachers and leaders at our school'

Ex: Teachers and leaders at our school are continually telling us that we should become more involved in the community by volunteering our time. 


Which two/too/to should be used: 

It is ______ late _____ turn in your paper, because it's _____ days late.

too- as well

to- location

two- number 2

ex: It is too late to turn in your paper, because it's two days late.


Pairing what you read with what you know to make an educated guess

Making an inference/inferencing


Put the following sentences in logical order:

1. At first it was novel for my dad and me to text back and forth. 

2. Several times, however, he had to ask me what certain expressions meant.

3. After a while he began calling me instead of texting.

4. He really enjoyed being able to get in touch with me quickly.

1, 4, 2, 3


When would you use this sentence stem?

The author/speaker states . . . 

Citing evidence


What change is needed?

Aden, Cyndi, and Christian is working together on there math homework, but none of them remembered to bring a calculator.

is should be changed to are 

there should be their 

Aden, Cyndi, and Christian are working together on their math homework, but none of them remembered to bring a calculator.


What's missing from the sentence? 

Cayden, Jayden P, and Matthew went to the store bought snacks and then headed to the park.


Add a comma after store to separate the clauses in the sentence.

Cayden, Jayden P. and Matthew went to the store, bought snacks, and then headed to the park.


How the story or passage is organized is known as its __________ ___________.

Text structure (Ex. Description, cause and effect, problem and solution, chronological order, compare and contrast)
