If you`re the cucumber, you are...
as cool as a cucumber
What`s the phase with THINK and BOX?
think outside the box
When a person is angry,scared,upset, he has...
mixed feelings
give some advice for a workacholic person, how not to be overworked
Why is a big cheese always angry?
if you pass the test/exam with great results, it means you...
pass with flying colors
3 phrases to say "I`m happy"
to jump for joy
on the cloud of nine
in 7th heaven
The opposite of "be energy and cheerful"
be full of beams
The night before the exam is the hardest time for students. Why?
because they put an all-nighter
drive up the wall
be on edge
if I bought something in a bad quality, it means I ...
bought a lemon
if you know something very much, you know it like...(hand)
the back of your hand
what`s in common between "down in the dumps" "feel blue"?
if you need some rest , you...