a stupid person
подбросить вверх (блин, монетку)
вкратце, в двух словах
in a nutshell
It feels so awkward and embarrassing
It makes me cringe
strong criticism
to botch
суровые (условия, критика, воспитание)
to have a friendly, informal talk; to chat in a relaxed way
chew the fat
разжечь спор/дискуссию
spark a debate
a short sleep
a nap
оживить, вернуть(ся) к жизни
A person who's very good at what they do, well-mannered and has impressive style
a class act
тепло одеваться, кутаться
bundle up
a style or activity that suddenly becomes popular but which usually does not stay popular for very long
a (passing) fad
to be criticized severely (3)
to be/get slammed; to face backlash; to be called out
склонный к (простудам, прокрастинации)
prone to
a difficult, unpleasant and unkind person
a (nasty) piece of work
3 phrases to thank someone publicly
kudos/props/shoutout to sb
слишком много геморроя/хлопот
It's too much hassle
make sth more exciting, lively, or attractive
zhoozh up
бегающие (глаза)
shifty (eyes)
Этот тренд задержится надолго
This trend is here to stay
to go for a walk to clear off your head
to take a stroll for a bit of headspace