Grammar 1
Grammar 2
Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Personal questions

Use past perfect simple/ continuous to complete these sentences. 

1. She ... (act/ years) before she won Oscar. 

2. Joe ... (not/ visited/ the USA) until he was in his thirties. 

3. My cousin had a terrible headache because he ... (watch/television) since midday. 

4. the play was a real disappointment, and we ... (want/ see) it for such a long time. 

5. he ... (not/ work) many weeks before the director noticed him. 


Make 3 different sentences with passive voice. 

- modal verbs 

- verb+infinitive/ gerund 

- say, know, believe, ... 


Name 10 sophisticated adjectives to describe human's personality 


Name 5 gestures you may notice when someone is anxious. 


Tell about your worst traveling experience


Complete the text with the verbs in brackets: 

I ... (just/ receive) an email from my cousin Carl. I ... (not see) him since he ... (get) married last summer. We all ... (go) to the wedding. It ... (be) great fun. I ... (not go) to a wedding before. Anyway, he and Sally ... (be) married for about nine months now. Thy ... (live) in London since the marriage. According to Carl, Sally ... (work) really hard and her boss ... (offer her a job in the Paris office. That's great news. She's going to accept it. She ... (learn) French while she ... (live) in France in the 1990s, so she'll have no problem setting in there. 


Paraphrase the sentences using words in brackets. 

1. Should we leave a tip? (supposed)

2. They won't let you enter the temple in shorts. (mustn't)

3. It doesn't matter if you don't speak Spanish. (need)

4. He'll have no problem making friends, in my opinion. (shouldn't)

5. Look at the map; this is definitely the right road! (must) 


Name 10 adjectives to describe your feelings. 

alarmed, anxious, content, irritated, indecisive, stunned, thrilled, upbeat, humiliated, exasperated, miserable, frustrated, envious, hysterical 


How you can describe the places where you stay (adj) 

breathtaking, hospitable, vibrant, unspoilt, overcrowded, dingy, dull, commercialised, run-down 


Name a couple of things that annoy you. 


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. 

1. Using the website means ... all my personal details again! 

2. ... in the library is strictly forbidden at all times. 

3. I'd better ... a note of all my passwords in a safe place. 

4. Responsible owners should stop ... after their dogs. 

5. We saw someone ... the window by throwing a brick at it. 

6. Why not just ... if they keep calling your number? 


Make 5 sentences using preposition+noun phrases 

- at last 

- for good 

- in any case

- in doubt 

- under control 


Name 10 compound adj referring to personality. 


Name 5 new food products


Name 5 best ways to support someone in need. 


Use used to/ would. In some cases both are possible. 

1. He ... (work) as a journalist for a science magazine. 

2. Years ago, they ... (go) on holidays abroad every winter. 

3. The actor ... (have) really long hair - now he's bald. 

4. ... (she wear) glasses before she became a model? I'm sure she did! 

5. Loys of people ... (follow) him on Twitter, but he's not so popular now.


Complete the sentences with a suitable modal verb. 

1. Dan looks tired. He ... (sleep) badly last night. 

2. Luckily, Ela gave me her spare ticket, so I ... (buy) one. 

3. I'm not certain, but I ... (leave) my passport at home. 

4. The restaurant's empty. We ... (book) a table after all. 

5. He ... (bring) so much luggage. It won't all fit in the car. 


Name 6-7 verbs of interaction 

praise - tease - nag - offend - warn - lecture - flatter - insult 


Name 10 types of accommodation. 

B&B, cabin, camper van, caravan, cottage, houseboat, self-catering apartment, tent, time-share apartment, villa, youth hostel 


Give 8-9 tips on how to be emotionally and physically healthy. Use our active grammar and vocabulary (food, personality traits). 


Make 4 sentences using: 


- slightly 

- nearly 

- nothing like 


Complete the sentences with the correct form of future continuous or future perfect. 

1. By the time I go to Holland, I ... Dutch for a year.

2. This bus is very late. We ... for half an hour soon. 

3. ... you ... the competition for a free holiday? I think you should. 

4. I need another 50$, then I ... enough for the trip. 

5. I hope you ... lunch by the time you arrive. 


Name 15 cookery verbs


Name 10 utensils 


Ask 5 questions to an opposite team using: 

- modal verbs

- various tenses

- compound adjectives 

- passive voice

- future perfect 
