
She always laughs at funny people.

Find a clause and a phrase in this sentence. 

Clause: She always laughs.

Phrase: at funny people


The meaning of the word livery is:

a) ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something

b) a special uniform worn by servants or particular officials

c) severity of manner or attitude

b) a special uniform worn by servants or particular officials


Correct the following spelling mistakes:







What are different types of formal letters? List 3.

Letter of Enquiry

Letter of Complaint

Recommendation Letter


Complete the following sentence with the correct form of the verb.

I .................... (watching) TV when she .................. (arrive).

I .................... (see) her since Sunday.

I was watching TV when she arrived.

I haven't seen her since Sunday.


Ruthless means:

a) lacking pity or kindness

b) heavy, depressing person

c) excessively proud of oneself

a) lacking pity or kindness


Name 4 different types of fiction stories.



Fairy Tales

Fantasy Adventures


Examples of a non-fiction text? List 3.




newspaper articles


Put the following sentences into the passive.

She has brought many gifts.

He is not reading a book.

Many gifts have been brought by her.

A book is not being read by him.


Abjure means:

a) ask someone urgently to do something

b) to say formally or publicly that you no longer agree with a belief or way of behaving

c) based on what people say rather than fact

d) position in society

b) to say formally or publicly that you no longer agree with a belief or way of behaving

Three facts about William Shakespeare's life.

He was born in 1564 in Stratford.

He married Anne Hathaway.

He started his career as an actor.


Elements of Gothic literature.

 Elements of Gothic literature

Set in a haunted castle or house. 

A damsel in distress. 

An atmosphere of mystery and suspense

There is a ghost or monster.

The weather is always awful. 


Burdened male protagonist 


Split the following text into paragraphs:

Snoring is caused when the airway at the back of the nose and throat becomes partially obstructed. This is usually due to the loosening of the surrounding oropharyngeal muscles, but the reasons why this should occur are varied. The most common are smoking, obesity and the consumption of relaxants such as alcohol and sleeping pills. As with any common ailment, there are a host of "miracle" cures advertised - but you should first try a few simple steps to see if you can halt the snoring before adopting more drastic measures. Lifestyle changes can be the most effective. If you are overweight, a loss of weight will help to reduce the pressure on your neck. You should also stop smoking and try not to drink alcohol at least four hours before you go to bed. Beyond this, try to change your regular sleeping position. Raise the head of your bed with a brick, or tie something uncomfortable into the back of your pyjamas to encourage you to sleep on your side. Both of these will help to alter the angle of your throat as you sleep, and may thus make breathing easier for you.

Snoring is caused when the airway at the back of the nose and throat becomes partially obstructed. This is usually due to the loosening of the surrounding oropharyngeal muscles, but the reasons why this should occur are varied. The most common are smoking, obesity and the consumption of relaxants such as alcohol and sleeping pills. 

As with any common ailment, there are a host of "miracle" cures advertised - but you should first try a few simple steps to see if you can halt the snoring before adopting more drastic measures. Lifestyle changes can be the most effective. If you are overweight, a loss of weight will help to reduce the pressure on your neck. You should also stop smoking and try not to drink alcohol at least four hours before you go to bed. 

Beyond this, try to change your regular sleeping position. Raise the head of your bed with a brick, or tie something uncomfortable into the back of your pyjamas to encourage you to sleep on your side. Both of these will help to alter the angle of your throat as you sleep, and may thus make breathing easier for you.


Explain the meanings of the following words:

lingering, anecdotal

lingering: lasting for a long time or slow to end

anecdotal:  not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research


Main themes in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

The main themes in A Midsummer Night's Dream are love, imagination, marriage, order and disorder and patriarchy. 

E.g. : Shakespeare portrays romantic love as a blind, irrational, often beautiful force that can be both cruel and forgiving.


What is a context? Give one example.

It is the situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explain it.


Put the following passage in the passive.

Someone broke into a local jewellery shop yesterday. The owner had just locked up the shop when a robber with a gun threatened him. The robber told him to unlock the shop and give him all the diamonds in the safe. Then the robber tied him up. The police have organized a search for the robber. 

A local jewellery shop was broken into yesterday. The shop had just been locked up by the owner when he was threatened with a gun by a robber. He was told by the robber to unlock the shop and give him all the diamonds in the safe.

Then he was tied up by the robber. A search for the robber has been organized by the police.


Explain the meanings of the following words:



wane - to become weaker in strength or influence

oppressive - cruel and unfair 


What are typical features of a Gothic protagonist?

Typical Traits of a Gothic Protagonist:

Extremities in behaviour / Excessive emotions.

A fascination with the past.

A tragic flaw which ultimately leads to their downfall.

A high social ranking.

Links to the supernatural.

An absolute goal or aim.

A large psychological conflict / turmoil.


What have visitors experienced in Ham House?  

- feeling a presence in the bed chamber

- It was believed that they saw the ghost of the Duchess.

- They have seen a ghost dog running up and down.

- They smelt tobacco smoke.
