Correct the mistake:
Thames goes through London.
The Thames goes through London.
Name three animals that are poultry.
Chicken, duck, turkey....
Which American singer produced the song Vogue?
What is the capital city of the USA?
Washington DC
What is the full name of the UK?
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Norhtern Ireland
Transform this sentence into present perfect:
I am a manager since June.
I have been a manager since June.
What is the difference between invent and discover?
Invent - from something non-existent find something new.
Discover - find something that already existed.
Name an American Drag queen famous for the song Supermodel.
Which English king famously had six wifes?
Henry VIII
Name a Czech romanticist author who wrote a famous lyrical composition named after a month.
Karel Hynem Mácha
Name three modal verbs.
Define chicken.
a domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat, especially a young one.
Name a Czech movie, made shortly after the Velvet revolution that received an Oscar.
Which of the following countries are technically ruled by Queen Elizabeth II? Pick three.
Canada, Nigeria, South African Republic, Australia, New Zealand, India, Ireland.
Canada, Australia, New Zealand
What is the proper way for two people to go from vykání to tykání?
The older one, the one in power or the one who is female must initiate it.
Correct all the mistakes:
I would bought you drink, If I have money.
I would buy you a drink, If I had money.
I will buy you a drink, If I have money.
relating to or characterized by competition.
What is the name of Brad Pitt's first wife?
Jennifer Aniston
Which country is the largest English speaking country in the world?
Name a pizza and a drink that have the same name.
Margherita and Margarita
What are the two following structures called?
was, been
past simple, past participle.
Define the word anxious.
feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.
Which year was the movie version of the Fellowship of the Ring released?
Name an American holiday, traditionally celebrated in Autumn, connected to the first settlers in the US.
What do I have in my pockets?
Keys, phone, markers, pens, wallet