the foreign ministry
Vienna Conventions
Bilateral relations

Persona non-grata

unwelcome person


What is the ministry of foreign affairs

Direct dial diplomacy was the result of a growing list of increasingly complex international problems, the diminishing ability of the generalists in the foreign ministry to master them, and the increasing ease with which domestic ministries could make contact with both counterpart ministries abroad and the multiplying number of interested non-state actors—from multinational corporations to civil society organizations.


When were the VCDR and the VCCR drafted?

1961 and 1963


What is the main entity that conducts bilateral relations?



Janus-faced diplomacy

having two faces, having two contrasting aspects

This form of diplomacy is based on the idea that national authorities alone cannot resolve military conflicts or power struggles.


When did the Ministry of Foreign Affairs come into the scene?

during the 18th century


Can diplomats perform consular tasks?



why are bilateral relations important?

Bilateral relations are the founding element of international relations, or “the basic form of the diplomatic game”.



Impunity is the ability to act without negative consequences.


Why do foreign ministries need to build support at home?

 they had acquired reputations for social exclusiveness in recruitment and for high living abroad, and faced a growing challenge to their very raison d’être. It was, therefore, an acute weakness that they had no domestic political base on which to fall back for support. Education ministries had teachers, agriculture ministries had farmers, defense ministries had the armed forces—but foreign ministries had only foreigners, a political base worse than useless.


On what conditions can a consul perform diplomatic tasks?

The sending state does not have a diplomatic mission of its own in the state concerned nor is represented by a diplomatic mission of a third state.

The consular officer has the consent of the receiving state.


Are friendly bilateral relations permanent?

no, bilateral relations are events-based


direct dial diplomacy

Direct dial diplomacy was the result of a growing list of increasingly complex international problems, the diminishing ability of the generalists in the foreign ministry to master them, and the increasing ease with which domestic ministries could make contact with both counterpart ministries abroad and the multiplying number of interested non-state actors—from multinational corporations to civil society organizations.


The Foreign Ministry is divided into two types of departments(+ directorates). What are the 2 types? Give some examples.


thematic/ functional


What distinguishes between the functions of diplomatic and consular agents?

Consular functions do not have a representative or political character and are instead of a more commercial, practical, and administrative nature.

The diplomatic functions are mostly carried out by interacting with the central government of the receiving state, as opposed to consular functions, which are performed through contacts with local actors such as enterprises, police or prison officers, the cultural sector, and so on.


What are some other actors involved in bilateral relations?

- parliaments and parties

- corporations

- civil society


What is the difference between immunity, inviolability and privileges?

Immunity’ encompasses immunity from jurisdiction (Art. 31, §1 VCDR; Art. 43 VCCR) and immunity from execution (Art. 31, §3 VCDR; Art. 45, §4 VCCR). 

‘Inviolability’ entails on the one hand a special (positive) duty of protection for the receiving state, and on the other hand a (negative) duty for the latter to abstain from exercising any sovereign right, in particular enforcement rights. 

‘Privileges’, in turn, can be best understood as ‘other advantages than immunities and inviolability’. Contrary to immunities, which are procedural in nature, privileges are substantive rights: a privilege denotes an exemption from laws or regulations, whereas an immunity does not imply any exemption from substantive law, but confers procedural protection from the enforcement processes in the receiving state.


There are 6 tasks carried out by the Ministryof Foreign affairs. What are they? (at least 4)

Staffing and supporting missions abroad

Policy-making and implementation

Influence government policy

Coordination of foreign relations

Dealing with diplomats at home

Building support at home


There are 5 functions of a diplomatic mission according to the VCDR, mention at least 3

Representing the sending state in the receiving state.

Protecting the interests of the sending state and its nationals in the receiving state>

Negotiating with the government of the receiving state.

Ascertaining the conditions and developments in the receiving state and reporting thereon to the sending state.

Promoting friendly relations between the sending state and the receiving state, and developing their economic, cultural, and scientific relations. 



How do we qualify bilateral relations?

Privileged bilateral relations

Conflictual bilateral relations
