
Correct the sentence: 

He suggested to going to the new restaurant for dinner. 

He suggested going to the new restaurant for dinner. 


What is the meaning of the word "generous"? 

a) kind and giving

b) mean and selfisch 

c) gentle and calm 

a) kind and giving


Correct the sentence: 

He has been living in Paris for 5 years, but he never have learned to speak French fluently.

He has been living in Paris for 5 years, but he has never learned to speak French fluently.


What does the idiom "cutting corners" mean? 

a) taking shortcuts

b) using sharp tools 

c) making precise measurements

a) taking shortcuts

"The company got into trouble for cutting corners on safety regulations."

Correct the mistakes: 

She has been working here since 5 years. 

She has been working here for 5 years. 


Correct the sentence: 

They are considering to buy a new house next year. 

They are considering buying a new house next year. 

Which word means "to make better or improve"? 

a) worsen 

b) enhance

c) abandon 

b) enhance


Correct the sentence: 

The company, who employs over a hundred people, are facing financial difficulties. 

The company, which employs over a hundred people, is facing financial difficulties.


What does the idiom "peace of cake" mean? 

a) a dessert 

b) something easy to do 

c) a celebration 

b) something easy to do 

"The exam was a piece of cake." 

Correct the mistakes: 

If I will see him tomorrow, I will give him your message. 

If I see him tomorrow, I will give him your message. 


Correct the sentence: 

She avoided to speak to him after the argument. 

She avoided speaking to him after the argument. 


Which word means"to look at something quikly and secretly"? 

a) stare 

b) gaze 

c) glance

c) glance


Correct the sentence: 

The teacher gave to each student a different assignment to complete over the weekend.

The teacher gave each student a different assignment to complete over the weekend.


What does the idiom "bite the bullet mean"? 

a) to die 

b) to do something painful or difficult 

c) to be very honest with someone 

b) to do something painful or difficult 

"She decided to bite the bullet and confront her fear of public speaking by volunteering to give a presentation." 


Correct the mistakes: 

The informations you provided were very helpful. 

The information you provided were very helpful.


Correct the sentence: 

She is looking forward to meet her friends after a long time. 

She is looking forward to meeting her friends after a long time. 


Which word means "to make something less severe or intense"? 

a) aggravate 

b) mitigate 

c) provoke

b) mitigate 


Correct the sentence: 

Despite of the bad weather, they decided to go for a picnic.

Despite the bad weather, they decided to go for a picnic.


What does the idiom "let the cat out of the bag" mean? 

a) to surprise someone with a gift  

b) to be very rude to someone

c) to reveal a secret

c) to reveal a secret

"She accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party."


Correct the mistakes: 

Can you borrow me your book for a few days? 

Can you lend me your book for a few days? 


Which one is correct? 

A) We discussed going on a trip together during the holidays.

B)  We discussed about going on a trip together during the holidays.

A) We discussed going on a trip together during the holidays


Which word can be used to describe someone who is very careful and pays attention? 

a) reckless 

b) impulsive 

c) meticulous

c) meticulous

Correct the sentence:

She insisted to pay for dinner, despite of my objections.

She insisted on paying for dinner, despite my objections.


What does the idiom "take with a grain of salt" mean? 

a) to not completely believe something or to be skeptical about information

b) to be very serious about something 

c) to do something which is very difficult or complicated  

a) to not completely believe something or to be skeptical about information

"He tends to exaggerate stories, so I take everything he says with a grain of salt." 


Correct the mistakes: 

Each of the students have submitted their assignments on time. 

Each of the students has submitted their assignments on time. 
