Bohr said that electrons can only occupy certain areas within the atom called energy levels
What is emitted from an electron as it falls back from its excited state to its ground state?
What did Louis De Broglie say?
Electrons moved in a wave motion meaning they could not travel in a definite path around the nucleus
What letters are assigned to main energy levels?
What colour is emitted by a sodium salt when it is held over the Bunsen Burner?
The equation used to find the energy difference between two energy levels is....
E2 - E1 = hf
What is light measured in?
It is measured in wavelengths which is measured in nanometres
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
It is impossible to measure both the velocity and position of the electron.
What letters are assigned to sub levels?
What is a cathode ray?
A stream of negatively charged particles called electrons that travel in straight lines. They travel from the cathode to the anode. Have sufficient energy to move a paddle wheel
What is an energy level?
The fixed energy value that an electron in an atom may have
The number of sublevel is the same number of the.....
Main energy level
Who discovered orbitals?
Erwin Shrodinger
What is the difference between the Balmer Series and the Lyman Series
Balmer series can be seen while Lyman series is the in the UV region hence is invisible
Who discovered proton?
What colour light can be on Hydrogen's line emission spectrum?
What is an orbital?
A region of space outside the nucleus where you are most likely to find an electron
What shape are p - orbitals
One principal behind the use of an absorption spectrometer
Atoms of an element in the ground state absorb light of a particular wavelength that is characteristic of the element
Who named the electron ' the electron'?
George Stoney
What did Niels Bohr say happened an electron when it absorbed energy?
When an electron absorbs energy it jumps from its round state (lower level) to it's excited state (higher level).
What is atomic absorption spectrum?
The spectrum that is obtained when light is passed through a gaseous sample of an element
How do s - orbitals vary?
They increase in size
One limitation to Bohr's Theory
Did not take into account that electrons travelled in wave motion therefore the picture of the electron moving in a fixed path around the nucleus is incorrect.
One limitation to Bohr's Theory
Bohr's theory did not take into account the splitting of of certain lines in the emission spectra hence did not take into account the presence of sublevels