Broke Broken
My mum (PLAY) the piano.
We can swim.
We can't swim.
I don't can go out.
Ráda létám k moři. (Přítomný čas)
I like to fly to the sea.
Drank Drunk
She (STUDY) abroad
They have to go home early.
They don't have to go home early.
She teachs very well.
teachs -> teaches
Kamarádka mé maminky má hodně koček. (Přítomný čas)
My mom's friend has a lot of cats.
Drew Drawn
Our teacher (TEACH) English.
She plays football.
She doesn't play football.
He don't go to the mountains.
don't -> doesn't
Byli jsme v kině minulý týden. (minulý čas)
We were in the cinema last week.
Fell Fallen
My friend (MIX) two languages.
He has a lot of friends.
He doesn't have a lot of friends.
Last week I were in the theatre.
were -> was
Včera v parku jsem měl krásnou narozeninovou oslavu s přáteli. (Minulý čas)
I had a beautiful birthday party with my friends in the park yesterday.
Felt Felt
He (HAVE) a lot of friends
You have to speak only English! "STRICTLY"
We eaten a lot of strawberries yesterday.
eaten -> ate
ŠLA jsem nakoupit ovoce a zeleninu do supermarketu. (Minulý čas)
I went to buy fruits and vegetables to the supermarket.