Complete the sentence with the correct question tag.
Stockholm is the capital of Sweden, ...?
Stockholm is the capital of Sweden, isn't it?
Which verb is synonymous with the verb inquire?
a) ask
b) explain
c) order
d) suggest
a) ask
Complete the sentence with the correct question tag.
They knew the truth, ...?
They knew the truth, didn't they?
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition.
We are ready to take ... any difficulties that come our way.
We are ready to take on any difficulties that come our way.
Complete the sentence with the correct question tag.
I'm the most handsome boy in our class, ...?
I'm the most handsome boy in our class, aren't I?
What does the idiom pop the question mean? Explain it in English.
ask someone to merry you, propose marriage
When do we use the following question tags?
a) hasn't she
b) shall we
c) will you
a) hasn't she - has got, present perfect
b) shall we - let's
c) will you - future simple, imperative
What words are missing in these phrases?
a) configured by ... (domyślnie skonfigurowany)
b) ... alcohol syndrome (alkoholowy zespół płodowy)
c) ... feast (święto ruchome)
d) ... phase (faza przejściowa)
a) configured by default
b) fetal alcohol syndrome
c) movable / moveable feast
d) transitory phase
Translate the following sentence into English.
Dziś wieczorem będzie nowy odcinek naszego ulubionego serialu, prawda?
There'll be a new episode of our favourite series tonight, won't there?
Translate the following words and phrases into English.
a) być chętnym do zrobienia czegoś
b) gorliwość, zapał
c) nadać stopień naukowy
d) pokrzepić, uspokoić kogoś
e) ulga
a) be eager to do something
b) zeal
c) confer a degree
d) reassure somebody
e) relief