Explain these words or phrases
Make a sentence using these phrases
Anwer the question
Explain the grammar (including examples)
Talk about the topic for 2 minutes

a wardrobe

a tall cupboard in which you hang your clothes



The dish fell to the floor and broke.

Eventually someone spoke, breaking the silence.  

He didn't know he was breaking the law.

We usually break for lunch at 12.30. 


When you go on holiday, what kind of things do you want to do and see?

I usually look for interesting natural monuments like Boubínský prales in Czechia, Kenroku-en Garden in Japan or the Brecon Beacons in Wales.

And of course, I want to taste new food so I always try to find restaurants with local delicacies.


What´s the difference between "say" and "tell"?

The most important difference between them is that with "say", you don’t need to mention who the ideas or information were shared with, but with "tell", you do. 

“Amy said (that) she likes coffee” 

"Amy told me/Joe/someone, etc., that she likes coffee.”



A few prompts:

- technology can help us to stay healthy

- lifestyle changes

- healthcare system in Czechia

- illness and recovery

- daily habits

- healthy eating



a device with a part to cover each ear through which you can listen to music



Did you manage to get any bread?

Let's meet tomorrow - I can manage 3.  

He's not very good at managing people.


What do you do to stay healthy?

I try to do exercise every day. The older I´m, the more stretching I need. I also focus on food - I´m trying to avoid sweets and eat lots of vegetables. Currently, I´m experimenting with keeping regular times for my meals.

Unfortunately, drinking no alcohol and coffee is a part of a healthy lifestyle :-(


When I use "a/an", "the" or no article at all. Could you give some examples?

I´m a teacher. - a job

They have a dog. - first mentioning

Prague is an amazing city. - description

The dog is brown and small. - second mentioning

Please, pass me the salt. - specific things

You can find anything on the Internet. - only one thing

I need to go to the hospital. - a common place

You´re the best. - superlatives

I used to play the guitar. - music instruments

I don´t like rats. - general meaning

I have breakfast at 6:30 am - meals

We speak English. - languages and school subjects

Last week, I went to see Anděl Páně. - last, next


making mistakes

A few prompts:

- personal experience

- learning from mistakes

- mistakes at work

- personal growth through mistakes

- advice on handling mistakes

- mistakes in relationships


organic food

food produced without the use of synthetic chemicals or genetically modified components



The report highlights the need for improved safety.

The spelling mistakes in the text had been highlighted in green.  

Highlights of the match will be shown after the news.


In what situation is it difficult for you to admit a mistake?

Acknowledging my mistake to my partner is always challenging because we´re close and I can afford to be horrible to him. For example, when I created a new FB account by accident, it was difficult to tell him. He´s an IT guy and I´m a technology dummy so technical topics are controversial in our relationship.


Talk about your experience - give five sentences using the present perfect.

I have never been to Italy.

I haven´t seen the film "Civilizace - dobrá zpráva o konci světa" yet.

I have had several different jobs in my life.

Have you eaten sushi? I have. I loved sushi in Japan.

I have always wanted to try to write a book.


speaking foreign languages

A few prompts:

- personal experience

- benefits of learning languages

- challenges in learning languages

- language learning methods

- motivation and goals

- advice for new students


 a bullet point

a symbol, often a small, black circle, used in text to show separate things in a list



This is a pointless exercise. 

It seemed pointless to continue.

The trip seemed pointless.  


Can you imagine living without cash?

I can easily imagine it. However, I would miss banknotes and coins. I think that Czech banknotes are pieces of art and it would be a shame to cancel them.


What´s the difference between present simple and present continuous?

The present simple tense talks about things that happen regularly or about facts that are always true. It is also used for habits, routines, and general truths. On the other hand, the present continuous helps to talk about things that are ongoing right now or things that will happen in the near future.

And of course, the form of each tense is different. You need the verb "be + ing" to form the present continuous. You need the helping verb "do or does" when forming a question or negative in the present simple. And don´t forget to add "s" when using he, she or it in positive sentences (and "does" in questions and negative sentences).


irregular verbs in English

A few prompts:

- learning irregular verbs

- comparing regular and irregular verbs

- teaching others irregular verbs


a lookout

1. a person who watches for danger 

2.  a high place where a person can look at what is happening in the area around them 


in the end

He tried various jobs and in the end, became an accountant.

In the end, they decided to spend Christmas at home.


What do you think about overtourism and how is it connected with environmental problems?

Overtourism is getting worse with the years and we have to do something about it. On one hand, it brings money and job opportunities to the economy. On the other hand, it ruins the amazing places people want to see. It´s closely connected with environmental problems because people travel long distances to visit certain places, and they leave a lot of rubbish there. These are just a few examples, the problem is more complex.


What´s the difference between "come" and "go"?

Both of these words show movement, but "come" shows moving close to the speaker, whereas, "go" indicates moving away from the speaker to another direction.

Come here. X Go there.




A few prompts:

- definition and understanding

- personal experience

- benefits of proactivity

- proactivity and goals

- proactivity in relationships

- advice for others
