Jalgpalli mängimine
Playing football
Pliiatsid ja pastakas
Pencils and a pen
A head
Your brother's sister is your ...
I'm good at singing and dancing
Ma oskan hästi laulda ja tantsida
Lühikesed püksid
Ma olen õpilane
I'm a student
A face
Kaheksakümmend seitse
Eighty seven
Arvutimängude mängimine
Playing computer games
A Belt
Sinine joonlaud ja roheline pinal
A blue ruler and green pencil case
Suu ja silmad
Mouth and eyes
Name 5 colours
yellow, brown, green, gray, blue, black, white, pink
Name all the weekdays!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
An item you wear on your head
A hat
Name 4 things in the classroom
Table, chair, clock, blackboard, window..
Väikesed sõrmed
Little fingers
Name all four seasons
spring, summer, autumn/fall, winter
Name 6 hobbies
Running, reading, swimming, singing, dancing, playing football...
Two clothes only for women
Dress, skirt
Name 4 things in your schoolbag
Textbook, workbook, pencil case, pen, notebook...
Suured varbad
Big toes
Your mother's mother is your ...