Choose the correct verb form:

a) I want /am wanting to go to university next year.

b) John stays /is staying with me for a few days.

c) I'm a student, but at the moment, I work /am working for my father.

a) I want to go to university next year.

b) John is staying with me for a few days.

c) I'm a student, but at the moment, I am working for my father.


Add the missing word in each sentence:

a) He explained things clearly that I understood exactly what to do.

b) We had a good time at the party that we didn't want to leave.

c) The lesson was boring that we all fell asleep.

a) He explained things so clearly that I understood exactly what to do.

b) We had such a good time at the party that we didn't want to leave.

c) The lesson was so boring that we all fell asleep.


Change into the passive:

"Nobody told us about the changes to the programmes."

We weren't told about the changes to the programmes.


Change the sentences using used to or use to:

a) I didn't like tea when I was a child.

b) I get up early every morning without difficulty.

a) I didn't use to like tea when I was a child.

b) I am used to getting up early every morning without difficulty.


Change to reported speech:

"I didn't steal your money." 

He denied...

"He denied stealing /having stolen his/her money."


Choose the correct verb form:

a) Our next lesson begins /is beginning at 11 o'clock.

b) What shall I get him for his birthday? I know! I am going to /will get him a CD.

c) Look at those black clouds. It will /is going to rain.

a) Our next lesson begins at 11 o'clock.

b) What shall I get him for his birthday? I know! I will get him a CD.

c) Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain.


Complete the sentences with as or like

a) _______ my brother, I've never been fond of chocolate.

b) You look exactly _______ Michael Jackson!

c) _______ a hardworking actor, he spends a lot of time learning his lines for his next play.

a) Like

b) like

c) As


Add the missing word:

a) I've got few very good friends, and we see one another every weekend.

I've got a few very good friends...


Choose the correct verb form:

a) He had been working hard, but he stopped taking / to take a break.

b) Did you remember posting / to post my letter when you went to the shops?

a) He had been working hard, but he stopped to take a break.

b) Did you remember to post my letter when you went to the shops?


Rearrange the letters in bold to make a word:

"I was shocked when I failed my exam since I'd vryipuselo got top marks."

"I was shocked when I faild my exam since I'd previously got top marks."


Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence:

a) I worked hard in order that pass my exams.

b) I turned the music down so as not disturb my neighbours.

c) I'm staying at home most nights so as for save a bit of money for my holiday.

a) I worked hard in order to pass my exams.

b) I turned the music down so as not to disturb my neighbours.

c) I'm staying at home most nights so as to save a bit of money for my holiday.


Complete with a question tag:

a) You'll call me when you get to the hotel, ________?

b) You saw Robert yesterday, _______?

a) won't you?

b) didn't you?


Complete with the right expression:

a) The World Cup final was probably (exciting) football match I've ever seen.

b) My English is (good) my French. I have the same level in both languages.

a) the most exciting

b) as good as


Complete with too, very or enough and any other necessary words.

"I can't affor this computer. It's not ________."

"I can't affor this computer. It's not cheap enough."


Complete with a modal verb:

"You ______ tell Teresa I've borrowed her bike without her permission, or she'll kill me."

"You mustn't / can't tell Teresa I've borrowed her bike without her permission, or she'll kill me."


What are the questions for these answers?

a) TWELVE people were at the party.

b) I've bought Sue A BOOK for her birthday.

c) I got up AT 7 O'CLOCK as usual.

a) How many people were at the party?

b) What have you bought/did you buy Sue for her birthday?

c) What time did you get up (this morning)?


Complete with a relative pronoun:

a) Havana, _______ is my favourite city, is the capital of Cuba.

b) Brian, _______ wife is a doctor, is terrified of hospitals.




Change the sentences using a modal of deduction:

"It's possible that he was out. He..."

He might have been out.

Change the sentences using should or shouldn't.

"He didn't revise for the exam. That was wrong!"

"He should have revised for the exam."


Change into the passive:

"When we got home, we discovered that somebody had stolen our television."

"When we got home, we discovered that our television had been stolen."


Complete the sentences with the correct past tense form of the verbs:

a) I (watch) television when I (hear) a noise upstairs.

b) We (arrive) at the cinema ten minutes after the film (start), and missed the best bit.

c) We (play) football for half an hour when suddenly the storm (begin).

a) I was watching television when I heard a noise upstairs.

b) We arrived at the cinema ten minutes after the film had started, and missed the best bit.

c) We had been playing football for half an hour when suddenly the storm began.


Add an article (a, an or the) where necessary:

"He said he was good at taking _______ photos, but when I saw _______ pictures he had taken, I decided he was _______ big liar."

"He said he was good at taking photos, but when I saw the pictures he had taken, I decided he was a big liar."


Change to reported speech:

"Why don't we go to the cinema?" 

He suggested...

He suggested going to the cinema / that we went to the cinema.


Change the sentence using a modal verb of deduction.

"It's not possible that he saw you. It was too dark."


"He can't have seen you."


Choose the correct verb form:

"All world's natural resources will use up / be using up / have been used up by 2057."

"All world's natural resources will have been used up by 2057."
