presents an argument
argumentative essay
“Teenagers are forever being told that they need a good education so that they can have the career they want, but many do not listen.”
main idea
name of the book.
Josh battles whether to tell Tania he is HIV.
Character vs character
Many young people see going to school as a chore and only go because they absolutely must, while some will even skip school because they see it as boring and unnecessary. However, going to school is incredibly important for your career, future education you may wish to pursue, and social and communication skills.
What is the claim
going to school is important
supporting details
how conflicts are solved.
Suzie hiding a secret of her brother with HIV in fear of being ridicule.
Character vs society
The statement, “So, although most of us only consider our career when we think about what school may do for us, the life skills we learn are equally important”
restates the thesis
presenting an argument for the other side of your claim.
Sam and Peter in a fist fight.
Character vs Character
However, going to school is incredibly important for your career, future education you may wish to pursue, and social and communication skills.
What are the arguments given to support the thesis?
moves the story forward, the problem.
What type of conflict
Harry Potter battles with super powers.
Character vs supernatural
It makes a claim with support
individuals/ animals within the story.
Type of conflict?
Sam having mental breakdown
Character vs self