How would you conjugate the io form of PARLARE
Is this conjugation correct?
Noi [PRENDERE] prendiamo il treno alle otto di mattina.
What do these verbs mean: PARTIRE and FINIRE?
to depart/leave; to finish
What does this mean in English: prigione.
It is a cognate: sounds similar t the English
What are the numbers 1-10 in Italian?
uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque, sei, sette, otto, nove, dieci
How would you conjugate the tu form of ASCOLTARE?
TRUE or FALSE. The conjugation for the verb LEGGERE in this sentence is correct.
Mio padre legge il giornale ogni mattina.
Conjugate the io and tu forms of the verb DORMIRE [to sleep].
dormo, dormi
What is the English equivalent of the word pranzo?
What are the following numbers in Italian: 20, 30, 40?
venti, trenta, quaranta
How would you conjugate the voi form of MANGIARE?
How would you conjugate the io and tu forms of the verb VEDERE [to see]?
vedo, vedi
Is the conjugation of the verb FINIRE in the following sentence correct? YES or NO?
Io fino il compito di scuola.
What is the English equivalent of the words: sogno, brutto,
dream, awful
How would you say these numbers in Italian: 25, 37, 48?
venticinque, trentasette, quarantotto
How would you form the loro form of the verb ADORARE?
What does this verb mean in English?
To adore
How would you conjugate the noi, voi and loro forms of the infinitive SCRIVERE [to write]?
scriviamo, scrivete, scrivono
Conjugate the verb FINIRE with its 6 forms. This is an isc verb.
finisco, finisci, finisce, finiamo, finite, finiscono
If you needed to catch public transport [tram, train and bus] in Italy, which words would you be looking for?
tram, treno, autobus
Have the following numbers been spelt correctly: 58, 28, 38? YES or NO
cinquantaotto; ventiotto; trentaotto?
How would you form the io form of the irregular verb ANDARE?
Provide all 6 forms of the verb spendere [to spend].
spendo, spendi, spende, spendiamo, spendete, spendono
Correct the errors in the following 2 sentences.
Io DORMIRE dormiamo fino a mezzogiorno il sabato.
Lei fine FINIRE [isc verb] di mangiare.
dormo; finisce
If you need to ask when the train for Rome leaves, how would you say it: Reorder the following sentence.
A che ora parte il treno per Roma?
Provide the Italian for the following numbers: 33, 43, 58, 68
trentatré; quarantatré; cinquantotto; sessantotto