Future tenses
Modals in the past
Relative clauses
Passive and Causative

Sarah and James _________ (get) married on Janyary 15th. We have been invited.

are getting


He shouldn´t drive / have driven after he drank alcohol. That is why he had the car accident.

have driven


The other day we visited that beautiful museum 1.____ they have a big whale skeleton and talked to the museum guide 2._____ was a lovely lady.

1. where

2. who


What is the difference between the sentences?

My brother had repaired his car before going on holiday.

My brother had had his car repaired before going on holiday.

In the first sentence the brother does the action himself whereas in the second sentence a professional does the brother a service.



"I am travelling to Japan tomorrow and I packed a lot of things."

He said ...

He said he was travelling to Japan next day and tat he had packed a lot of things.


1. The afternoon train ______ (arrive) to the station at 5:35 PM.

2. We ________ (do) a course on cooking. However, I am not sure when and where yet.

1. arrives

2. are going to do


Explain the difference:

1.Sarah didn´t need to bring any food for the party.

2.Sarah needn´t have brought any food for the party.

1. it wasn´t necesarry to bring food so she didn´t

2. she brought food even if it wasn´t necessary


Connect the sentences using relative clauses.

I have a sister who is studying at the univerity. My sister´s house is near mine. The university is in a city 50 km from here.

I have a sister, whose house is near mine, who is studying at the university, which is 50 km from here.


Rephrase the following sentence using passive and causative.

Someone stole my car the other night.

1. (passive)

2. (causative)

1. My car was stolen the other night.

2. I had/got my car stolen the other night.



1. "Are you here at the end of this year?"

2. "How old is your grandmother?"

1. He asked (me) if I was there at the end of that year.

2. He asked (me) how old my grandmother was.


In two months exactly, Jim 1.___________ (work) in this company for 20 years so we are thinking of 2.__________ (get) him a nice present.

1. will have been working

2. getting


Correct the mistakes:

1. I should have gone skating with you yesterday. Why didn´t you tell me anything?

2. We needn´t have gone shopping so we stayed at home and watched TV.

1. I would have gone skating with you yesterday. Why didn´t you tell me anything?

2. We didn´t need to go shopping so we stayed at home and watched TV.


Complete with the correct relative pronoun or adverb:

1. I really do not know the reason _____ she quit her job and left the country.

2. All the people _____ cars were on that street had been damaged by the truck.

3. Last year, _____ they visited India, they had the idea for this company.

1. why

2. whose

3. when


Transform the following sentences into passive. Add the agent only if necessary.

1. People have restored the cathedral.

2. Mark will have finished the book by the end of the week.

3. The police are looking into the murder that happened this week.

1. The cathedral has been restored.

2. The book will have been finished by Mark by the end of the week.

3. The murder that happened this week is bee¡ng looked into.


Report the text:

"Let's go to the beach at the end of the week. I may be able to get cheap train tickets. We can go this Friday and come back on Saturday. If we are leaving early we will avoid traffic jams."

He suggested going the beach at the end of the week. He said he might be able to get cheap train tickets and that we could go that Friday and come back on Saturday. He also said/ He added that if we were leaving early we would avoid traffic jams.


Tomorrow at 10:00 I 1._________ (see) the dentist to have my tooth filled. By the time I get out of there I 2.__________ (get rid of) the terrible pain I now have and I think I 3._________ (celebrate) it with a nice meal.

1. am seeing

2. will have got rid of

4. will celebrate /will be celebrating


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between 2 and 5 words.

1.Why didn´t you tell me you were going out?


You _________________________ me know you were going out.

2. We had no homework last night.


We _______________________ any homework last night.

1. should have let

2. did not need to do


Complete with the correct relative pronoun or adverb:

1. I would like to know to ______ I have to thank for the wonderful idea.

2. Last year we travelled to different countries and saw many wonderful places and met so many friendly people, ____ I believe enriched our knowledge about the world.

1. whom

2. which


Transform into causative. Use the agent only if necessary.

1. A woman from the neighbourhood has cleaned Jim´s house today.

2. The interior designer is going to design the new house for us.

3. Someone had broken into their house twice before they contracted an alarm.

1. Jim has had/got his house cleaned by a woman in the neighbourhood.

2. We are going to have/get the new house designed for us.

3. They had had/got their house broken ointo twice before they contracted an alarm.


Complete with the correct form of the verb:

1. Mum persuaded me __________ (go) camping.

2. Sam insisted on _____________ (lock) the door before we left.

3. Karen enquired if _________ (pull) over there.

4. Gina suggested ___________ (not pack) a lot of clothes for that short trip.

1. to go

2. locking

3. to pull

4. not packing


Mary, I promise I 1._______ (help) you with the house redecoration tomorrow. I am planning on 2.________ (buy) some paint for the front wall. 3.___________ (get) paint for the bedroom as well?

1. will help

2. buying

3. Shall I get


Complete with the correct modal and correct form of the verb.

Yesterday I 1.__________ (go) to work so I stayed at home. I 2.__________ (do) some cleaning because the house was dirty but I was too lazy so I only watched TV. I 3.___________ (stay) on the sofa all day if my friends hadn´t called to invite me for some drinks. I 4._____________ (drink) too much but I did and now I am feeling sick and regret everything.

1. didn´t need to go

2. should have done

3. would have stayed

4. shouldn´t have drunk


Connect the sentences using relative clauses.

Angela had a heated discussion with her boss before 10 o'clock. Angela is the marketing manager. Angela's team was not informed about the latest project. The boss is a very difficult person to talk to. They had an important meeting at 10. 

Angela, who is the marketing manager and whose team was not informed about the latest project, had a heated discussion with her boss, who is a very difficult person to talk to, before 10 o'clock, when they had an important meeting.


Rephrase the sentences and start as given. Use passive or causative.

1. Someone has sent a love letter to Peter.

Peter ...

2. Before Easter thieves had stolen flowers from her garden on several occasions.

She ...

3. Nobody fixed Sam's pipes in the kitchen, he did it himself.

Sam ...

1. Peter has been sent a love letter.

2. She had had/got flowers stolen from her garden before Easter.

3. Sam didn´t have/get his pipes fixed in the kitchen, he did it himself.


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between 2 and 5 words.

1. "It´s best to leave your passports in the hotel safe," the receptionist told them.


The __________________ passports in the hotel safe.

2. "It was me who lost the tickets," Jo said.


Jo _____________________ the tickets.

1. receptionist recommended leaving our

2. confessed to losing
