present simple & continuous
simile & metaphor
personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia & oxymoron
rhetorical question
Complete this sentence: Did I tell you that we _________________ (move) out of our flat? Mum and dad have decided to sell it and we are buying a house not far from here.
Did I tell you that we are moving out of our flat? Mum and dad have decided to sell it and we are buying a house not far from here.
Her words are sharp as knives.
I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.
Explain the definition of Jargon.
Jargon is a type of language that is used in a particular context and may not be well understood outside of it.
In this kind of essay, we not only give information but also present an argument with the PROS (supporting ideas) and CONS (opposing ideas) of an argumentative issue. We should clearly take our stand and write as if we are trying to persuade an opposing audience to adopt new beliefs or behavior. The primary objective is to persuade people to change beliefs that many of them do not want to change.
What is argumentative writing?
Complete the sentence: We _________________ (go) camping for a week and doing lots of outdoor activities.
We are going camping for a week and doing lots of outdoor activities.
He has tons of English vocabulary. He is a moving dictionary.
It's sort of whack, whir, wheeze, whine Sputter, splat, squirt, scrape Clink, clank, clunk, clatter Crash, bang, beep, buzz Ring, rip, roar, retch Twang, toot, tinkle, thud Pop, plop, plunk, pow Snort, snuck, sniff, smack Screech, splash, squish, squeak Jingle, rattle, squeal, boing Honk, hoot, hack, belch.
What is rhetorical question?
A rhetorical question is a question that you ask to make a point.
If we are under the age of 30 and want a healthy life, we should definitely get a bicycle instead of a car.
An example of argumentative topic.
Complete this sentence: She really ________________ (like) gardening and I’ve promised her that I will help her to get the garden looking nice once we move in.
She really likes gardening and I’ve promised her that I will help her to get the garden looking nice once we move in.
What are being compared? Through the park, voices of boys rang saddening like a hymn, Voices of play and pleasure after day
voices of boys with a hymn
Give an example of personification in the poem "Out, Out"
And the saw snarled and rattled, snarled and rattled, As it ran light, or had to bear a load.
Mention 3 usages of an ellipsis.
1. to indicate a pause of thought 2. to indicate omission of words, phrases or sentences 3. to indicate trailing off in thought or conversation
Boarding schools teach young people to become confident and well-rounded adults.
It's an example of argument with the PROS of the issue.
Complete this sentence: How’s school? ______________ (you still have) problems with your project?
How’s school? Are you still having problems with your project?
What technique is being used? What are being compared? Now, he is old; his back will never brace; He's lost his colour very far from here,
Metaphor, blood compared with colour
a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness); broadly : something (such as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements
Complete the following sentence: A four‐dot ellipsis indicates . . . .
that there is also a period belongs to another sentence.
Give an argument opposing to boarding school system:
Sending young children away to boarding school is cruel and unnatural.
Complete this sentence: I hope not! My studies _______________ (go) really well and I ________________ (look) forward to our school trip to France next month.
I hope not! My studies are going really well and I am looking forward to our school trip to France next month.
What is the technique being used? and what is the effect on the readers of the following: Through the park, voices of boys rang saddening like a hymn, Voices of play and pleasure after day
-Simile -It tells the readers that there is an irony in which the joy and happiness of the children is just like sad song for the soldier.
What is the technique being used? And what is the effect on the reader? The boy’s first outcry was a rueful laugh, As he swung toward them holding up the hand
- Oxymoron - It tells the readers how painful is the boy's pain that he can't bear. His laugh is a painful laugh. Something that is painful is described as a laugh that used to show happiness. (contradictory)
You should avoid using jargon unless . . . .
you are using a specialized vocabulary while writing about a particular field.
to persuade people to change beliefs that many of them do not want to change.
the purpose/objective of argumentative essay/writing