Compound Nouns
Articles and Quantifiers
Correct the mistake
Functional Language

Use the correct form of the word in capitals.

1. Last year they moved to a semi-_______ house. DETACH



Fill in the correct prepositions.

1. I don’t have a lot __ common __ my sister and we don’t spend a lot of time together.

in common with


Fill in the correct articles and quantifiers.

1. __ Chinese eat __ lot of __ rice.

The Chinese  / a lot of / - 


Correct a mistake in the sentence.

1. He is the person which I have been knowing for ages.

1. He is the person WHO I have been knowing for ages.


Complete the dialogues with ONE word in each gap.

A: In my ___ online courses are great if you can’t travel to class.
B: I agree, but for ___ face-to-face courses are better, as I prefer to have a real teacher.

view / me


Use the correct form of the word in capitals.

2. An ______ estate is an area which has been especially planned for a lot of factories. INDUSTRY



Fill in the correct prepositions.

2. Regardless of having a natural talent __ business management he still puts __ the hours.

talent for   /  puts in 


Fill in the correct articles and quantifiers.

2. I’m sorry, but there are __ tickets left for the concert.

no tickets


Correct two mistakes in each sentence.

2. I could catch the last train to London although there were none taxis and I had to walk all the way to the station.

2. I MANAGED TO catch the last train to London although there were NO taxis and I had to walk all the way to the station.


Choose the correct response.

A: Is it OK if I smoke at the table?

a: Yes, of course.
b: It’s OK. We can sort it out.
c: No, you’d better not.

c: No, you’d better not.


Use the correct form of the word in capitals.

3. When I entered I saw Mary wearing high-_______ shoes, which made her even taller than she was. HEEL

high - heeled


Fill in the correct prepositions.

3. Everyone thinks that you are hopeless __ languages, but I’m sure that if you keep trying, you’ll get better __ them.

hopeless at   /    get better at

Fill in the correct articles and quantifiers.

3. __ most people thought that __ Beatles were __ very good group.

- / the Beatles / a 


Correct two mistakes in each sentence.

3. I don’t always manage speak to my parents every day as they live in United Kingdom.

3. I CAN'T speak to my parents every day as they live in THE United Kingdom.


Complete the dialogues with ONE word in each gap.

A: For ___ thing I don’t like him as a person. But for ___ he’s so talented in everything he does.
B: I ___ say I agree with you.



Use the correct form of the word in capitals.

4. The price includes flights and car ________. RENT

car rental


Fill in the correct prepositions.

4. The best way to succeed __ life is to rely __ yourself and make friends __ the right people.

succeed in   / rely on  / make friends with


Fill in the correct articles and quantifiers.

4. Both roads lead to the city centre. You can take __ one.

any one


Correct two mistakes in each sentence.

4. I saw a latest film by Alejandro G. Inarritu, that was terrible.

4. I saw THE latest film by Alejandro G. Inarritu, WHICH was terrible.


Choose the correct response.

A: My apologies. I didn’t realize you were busy.

a: If I were you, I’d go home.
b: No, it’s not necessary.
c: It’s OK. Don’t worry about it

c: It’s OK. Don’t worry about it


Use the correct form of the word in capitals.

5. Ten minutes later the taxi pulled up in front of the largest ______ mall in Central America. SHOP

shopping mall


Fill in the correct prepositions.

5. The film picks up __ and focuses __ the difficulties people experienced during the war.

pick up on / focus on


Fill in the correct articles and quantifiers.

5. In __ past, most of __ population lived in __ country.

the past / - / the country


Correct two mistakes in each sentence.

5. There are a few of candies, but there is lots of cookies.

5. There IS a few of candies, but there ARE lots of cookies.


Complete the dialogues with ONE word in each gap.

A: I __ think we should talk to them first. The __ I say this is that it will be better if they learn everything from us.
B: Exactly. That’s what I was __.

