How many books should you keep in your book box?
3-5 books
What does level 0 mean?
No talking at all
If you need to go to the bathroom, what should you do?
Cross your fingers and hold your hand up until Miss Koch says you may go or not now
What color of floor do you need to stay on in the hall?
The tan part (the "beach") stay off of the blue!
What is the FIRST thing you should do every morning when you walk in the classroom?
Read the to do list on the board!!!
What should be inside your desk?
Folders and notebooks stacked on one side, supply box on the other side
What is a level 1 or "6 inch voice"
A whisper that only the person right next to you should hear
If you need to get a drink what should you do?
Raise your hand to ask and wait for permission
When you line up should you be in your line spot?
After reading the to do list, what is the first thing you need to do?
Make lunch choice!
Where should snacks be kept during the day?
ONLY in your backpack
What is a level 2 voice?
Table talk or working with a group
When you hear the doorbell ring, what should you do?
Quickly and quietly pick up what you had out, then move on to your next round
Which side of the hall do we walk on?
Always the right side
After you have made your lunch choice and turned in homework, what do you do?
Whatever work or activity is on the board, in a zero or whisper voice
What other things need to be in your book box/cubby?
Math journal, dry erase board and marker, data binder, wonders book
During rounds what level voice should you be at?
Level 0
When can you NOT go to the bathroom?
During carpet/whole group time: Math WG, Literacy Mini Lesson and HD Word Time
How many tries should it take to be ready in line
Just the first time!
When the bell rings and the announcements begin, what should you do?
Stop what you are doing, stand at a level zero to listen and say the pledge
How many pencils should you have in your desk?
TWO! Put dull ones in dull bin so we have sharp pencils ready to go
When you are moving to the carpet what voice level should you be at?
Level 0
If Miss Koch is with a group and you need something or have a question, what should you do
Do NOT interrupt unless it is an emergency; ask 3 then me
Where does our class hang our coats in the hallway?
The white rack on the side with the bathrooms
At the end of the day what needs to be done before we leave?
1. Planner & Homework Folder
2. Pack up
3. Clean Up
4. Sit at Desk