These gifts were brought to Jesus when He was a child.
Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
Matthew 2:11
This is the number of Tribes of Israel.
Genesis 49:28
The place where Adam and Eve lived before the fall
The Garden of Eden
The dsciple that denied Jesus 3 times.
Mark 14:72; Luke 22:61
God gave this sign to remind of His promise never to destroy the earth by water again.
a rainbow
Genesis 9:13-16
How many books of the bible are there?
The place where Jesus grew up
Nazareth, Galilee
The three thrown into the fiery furnace.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego
Daniel 3:21-23
What kind of tree did Jesus curse because it bore no fruit?
A Fig Tree
Mark 11:21
There are this many fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5
Galatians 5:22-23
This is where the 10 Commandments were given.
Mount Sinai
Exodus 31:18
The King who sent 3 men to the firey furnace
King Nebuchadnezzar
Judas did this action to Jesus when he entered the garden to betray him to the chief priests and elders.
kissed him
Matthew 26:48-49
Mark 14:44-45
We are to forgive a brother/sister who sins against us this many times.
70 times 7
Matthew 18:22
Jesus prayed in this garden right before his death.
Garden of Gethsemane
Mark 14:32
Jacob's hairy big brother.
Genesis 25:25
This was a part of John the Baptist's regular diet.
locusts and honey
Mark 1:6
This is the shortest book in the New Testament.
2 John
Jesus performed His first miracle here.
Marriage of Cana of Galilee
John 2:1-11
The king who had John the Baptist beheaded
King Herrod
Matthew 14:6-12