This phrase summarized the colonists' frustration with British taxation policies.
What is "No taxation without representation"?
This leader of the Haitian Revolution was educated in Enlightenment ideals.
Who is Toussaint L’Ouverture?
The French Revolution was driven by opposition to this social and political system.
What is the Ancien Régime?
This doctrine warned European powers not to interfere in the Americas.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
The 1798 Irish Rebellion was led by this revolutionary group.
Who are the United Irishmen?
This document, issued in 1776, listed grievances against Britain and emphasized Enlightenment ideals.
What is the Declaration of Independence?
Haiti was forced to pay this European country reparations for its independence.
What is France?
This oath was taken by members of the Third Estate after being locked out of their meeting hall.
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
The French Revolution inspired this political ideology that opposed sudden and radical change.
What is conservatism?
This Scottish uprising in 1745-46 aimed to restore the Stuart monarchy.
What is the Jacobite Rising?
The first governing document of the U.S. was replaced because it was too weak.
What are the Articles of Confederation?
This South American leader wrote the "Jamaica Letters" advocating independence.
Who is Simon de Bolivar?
The storming of this fortress marked the beginning of the French Revolution.
What is the Bastille?
This general took control of France after the Reign of Terror.
Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?
This battle marked the defeat of the Jacobites in 1746.
What is the Battle of Culloden?
The U.S. Constitution created three branches of government. Name them.
What are the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches?
This Argentine leader helped remove Spanish rule from Argentina.
Who is Jose de San Martin?
This document, inspired by the American Revolution, declared the rights of French citizens.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen?
The Revolution led to the rise of this idea, emphasizing shared culture, language, and ancestry.
What is nationalism?
The Act of Union in 1801 merged this country with Great Britain.
What is Ireland?
This document further protected citizens' rights after the Constitution was ratified.
What is the Bill of Rights?
The abolition of this racial system was part of Latin America's independence movements.
What is the Casta system?
This period saw mass executions, including the king and queen, under Robespierre.
What is the Reign of Terror?
This war between the U.S. and Spain in 1898 led to the end of Spanish rule in the Americas.
What is the Spanish-American War?
The defeat of Scottish and Irish uprisings led to repression, including the banning of this Scottish cultural tradition.
What is Highland dress (kilts and weaponry)?