Before the 1800s, only these people had political power in Britain.
Rich landowners
The 19th-century revolutions in France were a fight between these two types of government.
Monarchy and Republic
The first Latin American country to gain independence.
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
The 1803 land purchase that doubled the size of the U.S.
The U.S. Civil War was a conflict between the North and the ____.
What is the Reform Act?
This law in 1832 gave middle-class men the right to vote.
The king who was removed from power in the 1830 revolution.
King Charles X
Who is Simón Bolívar?
He was called "The Liberator" and helped free South America.
What is Manifest Destiny?
The belief that the U.S. should expand westward.
The president who issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
Abraham Lincoln
What is the Slavery Abolition Act?
This act in 1833 ended slavery in Britain and its colonies.
This king was called the "Citizen King" but lost power in 1848.
Louis Philippe
Who is José de San Martín?
The leader who fought for Argentina, Chile, and Peru’s independence.
The event where Native Americans were forced to move west, causing many deaths.
The Trail of Tears
This 1863 document freed enslaved people in the Confederate states.
The Emancipation Proclatamation.
The movement that fought for women’s right to vote.
Suffragette Movement
Napoleon’s nephew who became Emperor of France in 1852.
Napoleon III
Who is Miguel Hidalgo?
The Mexican priest who started the fight for independence.
The U.S. annexed this state in 1845, leading to war with Mexico.
The main cause of the U.S. Civil War.
Who is Emmeline Pankhurst?
This woman was a leader of the women’s rights movement in Britain.
The 1894 event that divided France and was based on anti-Semitism
Dreyfus Affair
Who is Dom Pedro?
The Portuguese prince who declared Brazil’s independence in 1822.
The war where the U.S. gained California and other territories.
Mexican-American War
The year the U.S. Civil War ended.