The French and Indian War
Growing Resentment
The Revolution
The Revolution Ends

The War was between which groups of people in North America?

The French and some Indian tribes 


The British, the American colonists, and other tribes of Indians


Colonists felt betrayed by the British government by the Proclamation of 1763 because:

Many colonists had fought in the war with the intention of settling in the lands they captured afterwards. The Proclamation of 1763 denied them this opportunity.


Tea was an important good sold to the colonists by the British as a result of this famous system of trade between Mother Country and Baby Colony:



Thomas Paine wrote this famous pamphlet arguing that Great Britain only acts to help itself, and that therefore the colonies should break away and create their own country.

"Common Sense"


Some African and Native Americans supported the British due to their belief that the British would:

Protect them after the war, either by freeing the slaves or creating Indian Territory that would be set apart from the colonies.


Prior to the war, the French had colonized the vast area around the Mississippi River in order to make a large amount of money by...

Trapping beavers in order to sell their fur, which was exotic and highly valued in Europe.


Britain passed the Stamp Act, a tax on the colonies, in order to:

Help pay for the debts the French and Indian War caused and to pay for the continued military presence of the British in the colonies. 


Due to the cheaper cost of tea from non-British merchants, many Americans became involved in this illegal activity in order to make a profit:



Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in order to:

List the reasons the Americans had to rebel against the King of England, and to justify their actions legally by naming the crimes that England had committed against them. 


About how many colonists were Patriots?

About how many were Loyalists?

About how many were undecided, and just waited until the war ended before supporting either side?

About 1/3, 1/3, and 1/3 of colonists belonged to each group respectively.


As a result of the war, the French were forced to give England:

All of their colonies in Louisiana, along the Mississippi River and in Canada.


Some colonists spoke against the Stamp Act because:

a. The British Parliament had passed the tax without consent from the colonial governments.

b. They were fearful of what taxes could be passed in the future if this was allowed to stand. 


The Tea Act threatened Americans because:

It forced all tea merchants and retailers to become employees of the British East India Tea Company. This would have reduced the cost of tea but also taken away the freedom that American tea merchants had had before. 


To prevent the colonies from receiving foreign aid or supplies, the British-

-blockaded the coastline and ports, which caused widespread economic problems and food shortages.


Most of the Patriots were in New England and the Middle Colonies, but the British turned Southerners away from their side due to their destructive:

Blockade, which harmed the businesses and lives of many plantation owners in the South.


The Proclamation of 1763 was a law passed by the British against ______________, in order to __________________.

a. The American colonists

b. Prevent them from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains, in lands that had been promised to the Spanish and Native Americans.


Rebellion against the Stamp Act and other British taxes passed during the 1760s and 1770s consisted of:

(Three answers)

a. Boycotts of British goods

b. Violent protests, including tarring and feathering of tax collectors

c. Increased planning and organization by colonial leaders against the British (Committees of Correspondence)


Colonists protested the Tea Act by breaking onto a ship filled with British tea and:

Throwing it overboard, in an event known as the Boston Tea Party


Although American soldiers received help from several countries, the greatest contributor to American success during the Revolution were the _______, who helped by ________________.

French; providing military training, money, and a navy to fight the British at sea. 


One primary cause of the American colonies' victory was their fighting tactics, which involved:

Guerrilla combat (soldiers hiding rather than marching in lines, frequently without military uniforms)


The British wanted to stop colonists from entering into the lands they had won from the French because:

They were afraid that colonists settling there would provoke a new war with the Native Americans or the Spanish, which Britain could not afford at the time.


The Boston Massacre caused the deaths of five colonists, leading to:

The trial and acquittal of the soldiers involved, which in turn led to tremendous anger from colonists.


The Tea Party's destruction of tea led to the British passing the Intolerable Acts, which:

(four answers)

A. Closed Boston Harbor

B. Required British troops to occupy colonial buildings

C. Shut down all colonial legislatures and courts

D. Demanded repayment for the tea.


In addition to providing medical care, food, and clothing to soldiers, American women contributed to the war by:

a. Acting as spies

b. Running farms and businesses while their husbands and male family members were engaged in combat. 


The French navy was able to defeat the British at sea, allowing George Washington to surround British forces and causing their surrender. This caused many Englanders at home to _______________ the war, due to its great _______________.

Turn against; expense
