Leading up to Revolution
Important Battles
Establishment of Government
Events of the Revolutionary War
Road to War
These colonists supported independence and volunteered for militias and/or the Continental Army.
What is a patriot?
The _______________ saw a large amount of troop losses for the British marking the end of the British campaign in the South.
What is the Battle of Eutaw Springs?

This describes the rebellion that was led by a man who was tired of the taxes put on the American citizens by its government. The rebellion was put down by George Washington who promised to fix the government

What is Shay's Rebellion?

Fighting began in this year in the Northern colonies.
What is 1775?

This Act put a tax on sugar and other luxury products.

What is the Sugar Act?

These colonists supported Britain and did not want to rebel. Many volunteered for the British army.
What is a loyalist?

The place known as the "Shot Heard Around the World". First battle between colonists and the British government.

What is Lexington? (Lexington and Concord also acceptable)


What is the first government/constitution created by the American government?

What is the Articles of Confederation?

This European country formed an alliance with the Americans.
What is France?
This act required a stamp put on all paper goods.

What is the Stamp Act?


The British instituted this act that taxed basic items like glass, lead, paint, paper and tea

What are the Townshend Acts?


The ______________ was a major defeat by the Patriots who withstood the British advances up a hill until they were overrun.

What is the Battle of Bunker Hill?


This compromise led to the creation of the Constitution government. Combined two other plans by implementing a two house legislature, an executive branch, and a judicial branch.

What is the Great Compromise?

This historic figure was General of the Continental Army. He would later be the United States first President.
Who is George Washington?

This Continental Congress organized boycotts against the Parliament Acts, wrote Petition of Grievances to the king, and declared they deserved the same rights as other Englishmen.

What is the First Continental Congress?


This war was fought by the French and Indians against the British colonist.

What is the French and Indian War? (7 Years War)


The battle was the first American major victory in the Northern part of the United States

What is the Battle of Trenton?


These individuals supported the Constitution and wanted to implement it. 

Who are the Federalist?


The victory at ______________ saw the surrender of General Cornwallis and the end of the Revolutionary War. (Daily Double. *Bet as much as you want in increments of 800)

What is Yorktown?


This Continental Congress began the Declaration of Independence and supported the Continental Army by naming George Washington Commander in Chief.

What is the Second Continental Congress?
This attack led to the Intolerable Acts and a response from the Sons and Daughters of Liberty by dressing up as Mohawks and creating the Boston Tea Party event.

What is the Boston Massacre?


The _______________ saw the Continental Army and partisan forces work together. Partisans pretended to retreat leading the British into the Continental Army!

What is the Battle of Cowpens?


This political group advocated for the Bill of Rights being implemented in the Constitution to limit the government, otherwise they would not vote or support it.

Who are the Anti-Federalist?

The _________________ established the British recognition of the United States, established the borders of America, and allowed for Americans to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
What is the Treaty of Paris?

This was the document that limited the British Colonist for going over the Appalachian Mountains to settle following The French and Indian War.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?
