ID Terms
Primary Sources
Essential Questions

The ideas of this 17th C English political philosopher influenced Thomas Jefferson's stirring declaration of the right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Who was John Locke?


"These are times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman."

What is "The American Crisis" by Thomas Paine


The Treaty of Paris is signed, ending the American Revolution on favorable terms for the United States

When was 1783


In mercantilism, the mother country exports _______ and imports ________.

What are "manufactured/finished goods" / " raw materials."


The universalist claim that "all men are created equal" in the Declaration may be considered a radical or conservative argument of the American Revolution?

What is "radical."


The culiminating (final) battle of the American Revolution.

What was the Battle of Yorktown?


"Leave the Americans as they anciently stood, and these distinctions, born of our unhappy contest, will die along with it...Be content to bind America by laws of trade; you have always done it...Do not burden them with taxes...No body of men can be argued into slavery."

What is "Speech before Parliament" by Edmund Burke, PM


The battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill signal the start of the shooting phase of the American revolt against the British.

When was 1775.


In mercantilism, the purpose of trade is to-

What is "accumulate gold and silver (wealth) to improve the military power of the mother nation.


The goals of the American Revolution changed over time from ____________ to _____________ with England.

What is "reconciling" (equal treatment) to "separation/revolution/ independence"


The Boston Tea Party provoked a British response known as the Coercive Acts, or if you were a Colonist, the _________ Acts.

What were the Intolerable Acts?


"Small islands not capable of protecting themselves are the proper objects for government to take under their care; but there is something absurd in supposing a continent be perpetually governed by an island."

What is "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine.


The Townsend Act places taxes on the importation of manufactured goods from England, including glass, lead, paint and...tea!

When was 1767.


This valuable agricultural product was exported from the Caribbean to the New England and England as a part of the "Triangle Trade."

What was "sugar"? (also Rum or molasses)


According to Article II of the Articles of Confederation, ultimate power or "sovereignty" lay with _______.

What are "the states."


This Western Massachusetts violent tax revolt led to the creation of the Constitution of the United States of America

What was Shays Rebellion?


"I have never heard of an objection to the right of laying duties to regulate commerce; but a right to lay internal taxes was never supposed to be in Parliament, as we are not represented there..."

What is "Testimony Before Parliament" by Benjamin Franklin?


The Articles of Confederation are drafted to help govern the new thirteen united States of America. It's not great...

When was 1777?


In mercantilism, the mother country seeks to maximize  __________(Exports or Imports) while minimizing __________ (Exports or Imports.)

What is "Maximize Exports" / "Minimize Imports".


The colonists were initially opposed to English taxation because it seemed to violate their rights and standing as _____________.

What is "Englishmen."


A lengthy struggle between England and France that was finally settled at the Treaty of Paris in 1763.

What was the Seven Years War or the the French and Indian War.


"Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and eery power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not...expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress Assembled."

Articles of Confederation- Article II


The Seven Years War comes to an end at the Treaty of Paris. France is effectively expelled from the New World

When was 1763?


The "game theory" term for the mercantilist vision of the competition for wealth between nations.

What is a "zero sum game?"


Among the failures of the Articles of Confederation was the lack of what powers by the national government? Name one.

What are "taxation" and "regulate relations between the states."
