The King and Parliament taxed the colonies to help pay for the French and Indian War. What was the king's name?
King George III
The first fighting occurred here. The shot heard 'round the world was used to describe this event.
Lexington and Concord
This forced colonists to provide housing, food, and supplies to British soldiers staying in Boston, Massachusetts after the French and Indian War.
Quartering Act
This document stated that the colonies were free from British rule.
The Declaration of Independence
What upset colonists the most about the new taxes?
There was no representation to help decide the taxes
Who has the largest signature on the Declaration of Independence?
John Hancock
General Cornwallis surrendered at this battle.
This placed a tax on many goods coming to the colonies. It was the first tax placed on the colonists.
Sugar Act
This document was sent from the Continental Congress as a last attempt to stop the war before it was officially declared.
The Olive Branch Petition
What are 3 causes of the Revolutionary War?
1. Quartering Act
2. Dumping Tea into the harbor
3. Boston Massacre
4. No representation in Parliament
5. Proclamation of 1763
Who wrote Common Sense?
Thomas Paine
General George Washington crossed the Delaware River and surprised the Hessian soldiers hired by the British.
Battle of Trenton
Five colonists were killed, including Crispus Attucks.
Boston Massacre
Proclamation of 1763
Why did the Proclamation of 1763 anger the colonists?
Land was given to the Native Americans for hunting grounds and the colonists were forced to leave their land they already settled.
This individual began fighting with the Patriots. He later switched to the side of the British in exchange for money and a higher ranking.
Benedict Arnold
The first major battle of the Revolutionary War.
Bunker Hill
This tax was placed on most paper goods.
Stamp Act
This document was signed and ended the Revolutionary War.
Treaty of Paris
What is another name for the Committees of Correspondence?
The Continental Congress
Who sent his troops spend the winter of 1777 at Valley Forge?
General George Washington
The turning point of the war.
This law closed Boston Harbor until all the money from the tea dumped into the harbor was paid.
Intolerable Act
What was the name of Ben Franklin's Newspaper in Liberty's Kids?
The Pennsylvania Gazette
How did the Continental Congress meetings bring the 13 colonies together?
Colonists were able to express their feelings and make plans about fighting against the British rule.