Doing Battle
Revolution Cometh
Important Individuals
Acting a Fool
Despicable Servitude

This group would be victorious in the American Revolution.

Who are the Americans/American Colonists?


This slogan became popular in the American Colonies in response to the colonies not having a seat in parliament in England. 

What is no taxation without representation?


This American General would be appointed to lead the continental army by the second continental congress.

Who is George Washington?


This act required the colonists to pay taxes on various forms of paper, like documents and playing cards.

What is the Stamp Act?


Why did the South require the largest amount of slaves?

What is they needed more field laborers, they had more cash crops, etc?


The first shot fired at the battle of Lexington and Concord (The first battle of the revolution) would come to be known as this.

What is "The shot heard around the world"?


This clash between British troops and colonists lead to the death of 5 colonists

What is the Boston Massacre? 


This man is famous for his midnight ride to warn the minutemen of Lexington and Concord of the approaching British.

Who is Paul Revere?


This was a series of four laws passed by the British Parliament to punish the colony of Massachusetts Bay for the Boston Tea Party 

What are the intolerable acts?


This was the sea route that many slaves took from Africa to the southern colonies

What was the Middle Passage?


At this final victory, the French and Americans worked together to surround the British army.

What is the Battle of Yorktown?


Thomas Paine's publication of this pamphlet influenced many American colonists to support separation from England.

What is Common Sense?


This man was a major contributor/writer of the Declaration of Independence.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This 1764 act aimed to raise revenue by imposing duties on sugar and molasses imported into the American colonies.

What is the Sugar Act?


These people agreed to work for a period of time in return for their passage from Europe to the New World or to relieve themselves of debts.

What are Indentured Servants?


This battle where 7,000 British soldiers would surrender would serve as a major turning point in the revolution, convincing the French it was time to join the war.

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


This document prohibited the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


This founding father negotiated an alliance with France in 1778.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


This 1773 event involved American colonists protesting taxation without representation by dumping over 300 chests of tea into Boston Harbor.

What is the Boston Tea Party?


Despite the declaration stating that "All men are created equal", only this group of people could vote after the revolutionary war.

What are male landowners?


This battle, while not being the first was the "point of no return" for the colonists.

What is the Battle of Bunker Hill?


According to John Locke, if a government becomes a threat to it's people, the people have the right to do this.

What is overthrow the government?


This man's political ideas were based upon the idea that all individuals possess natural born rights

Who is John Locke?


In response to the Intolerable acts, this group of delegates was formed to discuss how to respond in unison to Britain.

What is the 1st Continental Congress?


This nation in the revolutionary war promised freedom to slaves who fought in the war.

Who are the British?
