Who Am I Russian Style
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Who Am I China Style
Terminology or Ideology?

Who served as the last Tsar of Russia and played a crucial role in the events leading up to the revolution?

Who is Tsar Nicholas II?


This movement, initiated by Mao Zedong, encouraged intellectuals and artists to express their opinions freely but was later suppressed after criticism emerged

What is the "Hundred Flowers Campaign"?


This event in 1905 marked a turning point in the lead-up to the Russian Revolution and resulted in the issuance of the October Manifesto

What is Bloody Sunday?


This massive land reform campaign aimed to redistribute land from landlords to peasants and eliminate feudal practices in rural China

What is the Agrarian Reform Law or "Fanshen" campaign?


This leader of the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) played a central role in the early Republican era, as well as later in the Chinese Civil War

Who is Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)?


This political ideology, emphasising the struggle of the working class against capitalism, played a significant role in shaping the Russian Revolution?

What is Marxism and Marxism-Leninism?


This influential advisor to the Romanovs, known for his mystic and controversial influence, was associated with the decline of the Tsarist regime. Who was he?

Who is Grigori Rasputin?


This movement, initiated by Mao's wife Jiang Qing, aimed to reshape Chinese culture, art, and literature according to communist ideals during the 1960s

What is the "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution"?


This group of young people, mobilised during the Cultural Revolution, played a role in enforcing Maoist ideology and persecuting perceived enemies of the revolution

Who are the Red Guard?


This campaign aimed at re-educating and reshaping the thinking of Chinese citizens to align with communist ideology

What is Thought Reform?


This founding father of the People's Republic of China served as Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party from 1949 until his death in 1976

Who is Chairman Mao Zedong?


This political ideology or political philosophy was developed by Mao Zedong and became the guiding ideology of the Chinese Communist Party

What is Mao Zedong Thought (Maoism)?


his leader of the Bolsheviks returned to Russia in 1917 and introduced the "April Theses," which called for "All Power to the Soviets." Who is he?

Who is Vladimir Lenin?


This event in 1917 marked the official beginning of the Soviet government's rule in Russia, leading to the dissolution of the Provisional Government

What is the October Revolution?


This political body, elected in 1917, aimed to create a new constitution for Russia but was forcibly dissolved by the Bolsheviks in January 1918.

What is the Constituent Assembly?


This controversial 1918 treaty ended Russia's involvement in World War I but resulted in the loss of significant territory to Germany and its allies

What is the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

This actress married Mao Zedong early on but was kept away from political life until her explosion onto the scene in the 1960s

Who is Jiang Qing?


This campaign, launched in 1951, targeted corruption, waste, and bureaucracy in Chinese government and industry, using the slogan "oppose waste, oppose corruption, oppose bureaucracy"

What is Sanfan or the Three Antis?


Who was the leader of the Red Guards and played a pivotal role in the October 1917 events, leading to the Bolshevik seizure of power?

Who is Leon Trotsky?


This naval rebellion in 1921 was led by sailors stationed at the Kronstadt naval base, posed a significant challenge to the Bolshevik government's authority

What is the Kronstadt Revolt


This event in 1927 resulted in the brutal suppression of communists and left-wing elements within the Nationalist Party, significantly impacting the Chinese Communist Party's trajectory

 What is the Shanghai Massacre?


This policy, initiated by Lenin in 1921, allowed for a limited return to private enterprise, markets, and small-scale capitalism to help revive the Russian economy.

What is the New Economic Policy (NEP)?


This prominent Chinese communist leader served as the Chairman of the People's Republic of China but was later criticised and purged from the party

Who is Liu Shaoqi?


This term describes the dual power structure that emerged in Russia after the February Revolution, where the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet shared authority

What is Dual Authority


This Russian Prime Minister initiated agrarian reforms and attempted to stabilise the country's political and economic situation during a period of upheaval.

Who is Pyotr Stolypin?


Most historians agree 30 million people died in this crisis

What is the Three Bad Years Famine?


This long and arduous journey undertaken by the Chinese Communists in 1934-1935 allowed them to escape Nationalist forces and regroup in northern China

What is The Long March?


This economic policy implemented by the Soviet government during the Civil War, was characterised by nationalisation of industry and requisitioning of grain from peasants

What is War Communism?


This Chinese warlord and politician briefly served as the self-proclaimed Emperor of China in 1915 and later became a major figure in the early Republican era

Who is Yuan Shikai (Yuan Shih-k’ai)?


This region in China was where Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communists established their base between 1929 and 1934

What is the Jiangxi Soviet (Kiangsi Soviet)?


This political party, advocating for land redistribution and representing the interests of peasants, played a significant role in challenging the existing order during the Russian Revolution

Who are the Socialist Revolutionaries?


During this conflict, China provide significant military support to North Korea, leading to international tensions during the early years of the People's Republic

What is The Korean War?


This organization, led by Felix Dzerzhinsky, was responsible for internal security and suppressing counter-revolutionary activities during the early years of Soviet rule.

What is the Cheka (All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage)?


This campaigns in the late 1950s sought to transform China's agriculture and industry, but ultimately resulted in economic and humanitarian crises

What is the "Great Leap Forward"?


This influential military leader and close associate of Mao Zedong, fell out of favour and died in 1971 (pun intended)

Who is Lin Biao?


During the Russian Civil War, these terms were used to describe the brutal tactics employed by both the Red and White forces to suppress their opponents

What are Red and White Terror?


She was a prominent Bolshevik leader and advocate for women's rights. Who was the first woman to serve as a Soviet ambassador and played a key role in promoting gender equality

Who is Alexandra Kollontai?


This pivotal event in 1912 marked the founding of the Chinese Republic and the end of the Qing Dynasty

What is the Xinhai Revolution (or 1911 Revolution)?


This series of protests and demonstrations by workers and soldiers in Petrograd during July 1917 severely tested the Provisional Government's authority

What are the July Days


This movement in the 1910s and 1920s aimed at reforming Chinese culture and society, promoting intellectual and cultural renewal.

What is the New Culture Movement?


This Chinese revolutionary leader was known for his "Three Principles of the People," advocating for nationalism, democracy, and the livelihood of the people

Who is Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen)?


In 1952, this campaign aimed to eliminate bribery, tax evasion, theft of state property, cheating on government contracts, and stealing of economic information from private businesses

What is Wufan or the Five Antis?
