Liberals or Conservatives?
Don't be Hatin, Haiti...
Vongress of Cienna
revolución en América Latina
Revolution in France...and beyond!
Suffrage is another word for this very important fundamental right in the minds of most liberals at the time.
What is the right to vote?
In the New World (Caribbean and Latin America), this group was at the top of the social class system, and this group was at the bottom.
What are the 1. Peninsulares 2. Slaves
After Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated in 1815, Conservatives, Liberals, and Nationalists met in Vienna, Austria to discuss these three issues in Post-Napoleonic Europe.
1. Fix/Redraw the map of Europe 2. What are we going to do about the old governments in European countries that Napoleon destroyed 3. restore the "Balance of Power" in Europe
Name 3 countries that gained their independence from Spain during the Latin American revolutions in the early 19th Century.
Venezuela, Columbia, Bolivia, Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Chile,
After Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated, the Congress of Vienna restored this type of government back in France?
What is a King/Monarchy?
This group preferred to keep the "Ancien Regime" in tact, after the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte
Who are the Conservatives?
This group of people represented the lower middle, to lower classes in Haiti and Latin America, they were also very mixed ethnically.
Who are the Mestizos and Mulattoes ?
The Conservatives at the Congress of Vienna wanted to "insert catch phrase here".
What is "Turn Back the Clock"?
Simon Bolivar led many Latin American countries to revolt against Spain, his idea was to establish a large country made up of states (like the U.S.), his country did not last long, but was called.
What is Gran Colombia?
In 1830, in France, Liberals and Radicals wanted the king to have less power and _____________ to have more power.
What is a constitution?
Name at least three things "liberals" wanted in 19th Century Europe?
1. Universal Manhood Suffrage 2. Written Constitutions 3. Equality Before the Law 4. Freedoms of Speech, Press, Assembly 5. Representation (Congress/Parliament) 6. Social Mobility
Toussaint L'Ouverture actually supported the French Revolutionary Government (known as the directory), until they wanted to do what?
Return the freed slaves back to slavery?
In the end this group came out victorious at the Congress of Vienna?
Who are the Conservatives?
Simon Bolivar believed that wanted to establish this kind of government in Latin America.
What is a Republic?
After the Revolution of 1830, Louis Philippe was installed as king, he was supposed to rule as a limited (constitutional) monarch, but he started doing the following things, which angered the French people.
What is: 1. Taking away the right to vote 2. Firing his Congress when they didn't agree with him 3. Banning free speech and freedom of the press 4. trying to become more powerful (absolute monarch)
Some liberals actually agree that having a monarchy is ok, as long as it is this type of monarchy.
What is a "limited" or "constitutional" monarchy?
Toussaint L'Ouverture believed in enlightened ideas, of the French Revolution, but one hypocritical thing he did in Haiti was ........
He made himself "Governor for Life" in Haiti
At the Congress of Vienna it was decided that __________ and _______________ were desired more than Freedom and Liberty.
What is Security (Safety) and Order?
Simon Bolivar's and San Martin's wars of independence against Spain were inspired by the following....
What are the 1. American Revolution 2. French Revolution 3. Haitian Revolution
The Revolutions of 1848 started in France but spread to some of these countries.
What is? 1. Belgium 2. Prussia (Germanic Kingdoms) 3. Italian Peninsula 4. Austria
Who is most likely the author of this statement: “There is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and talent”
Who are Liberals?
Toussaint L'Ouverture had many roles during the Haitian Revolution, these are a few of those roles.
1. Liberator of Slaves in Haiti 2. Military Commander (defeating the French Army) 3. Ruler of Santo Domingo (Haiti)
What is one long-term effect of the Congress of Vienna?
Liberal ideas would be be quieted down for a little while, but will come back again and result in Revolutions in Latin America, Europe in 1830's and 1848.
The social class system in Latin America under Spanish control (like the French social class system under Louis XVI) was called this.
What is the encomienda system?
What was the end result or effect of the Revolutions of 1848 in Europe?
Conservatives won out and the liberals lost, the world was still not ready yet for the spread of democratic governments….but the seed for democracy has been planted for the future!!! Also many ethnic groups who do not have their own country are beginning to desire their own nation for their own people (Italy, Germany, Serbians, Poles, etc)