Which event is known as the "shot heard 'round the world"?
Battles of Lexington and Concord
True or False: The Third Estate was the only social class that had to pay taxes.
This document, written by Thomas Jefferson, declared the independence of the British colonies in North America.
Declaration of Independence
True or False: Napoleon's Continental System successfully weakened Great Britain and their economy.
False! Napoleon's Continental System failed.
This French Revolution military leader became the Emperor of France (not just once, but twice!)
Napoleon Bonaparte
What was the purpose of the Stamp Act and Sugar Act?
To force the colonies to pay the war debt from the French and Indian War.
This famous oath, done at a sporting area, was the Third Estate's pledge of unity until a new constitution, influenced by Enlightenment ideas, was created.
The Tennis Court Oath
This letter, sent to King George III and Parliament, offered one more chance to meet the demands of the colonists.
Olive Branch Petition
Why was Russia able to defeat Napoleon in his attempt to conquer them?
They did a "scorched-earth" military strategy, where they burned towns and crops so that Napoleon's armies had nowhere to stay and nothing to eat.
This guy was the king of Great Britain during the American Revolution who ignored the wants of the colonists.
George III
This riot after the Stamp and Sugar Acts led to the death of five colonists and fueled even more anger towards Parliament and King George III.
The Boston Massacre
What happened on Bastille Day?
The French Revolution officially began!
This document stated that French men are born free, equal in rights, and entitled to natural rights.
At this battle, Napoleon was permanently defeated and exiled to the island of St. Helena, where he would die 6 years later.
Battle of Waterloo
This king of France was executed by the guillotine.
Louis XVI
Why were the colonists so upset with King George III?
No rights, not considered citizens, HIGH taxes after the French and Indian War, "no taxation without representation"
Both of these radical groups supported the establishment of a French republic and the end of the monarchy.
Jacobins and Sans-Culottes
These French civil laws ensured religious toleration and equality of all MALE citizens.
Napoleonic Code
This meeting of many European powers after the defeat of Napoleon was done to protect the institution of the monarchy and create a balance of power between nations.
The Congress of Vienna
This guy started as the leader of the Jacobins and played a major role in the Reign of Terror.
Maximilien Robespierre
Explain the lasting legacy of the American Revolution on the WORLD.
Inspired other nations to challenge absolute rule and seek independence.
This group formed with the intention of gathering troops and support during the wars to eliminate threats to France. However, it just became the group that began the "Reign of Terror"
The Committee of Public Safety
This legislative assembly established the French Republic and abolished the monarchy.
The National Convention
This French man was a key military leader of both the American and French Revolutions.
Marquis de Lafayette