French Revolution (1)
French Revolution (2)
Latin America

Who was King Louis XVI?

The King at the time of the revolution. Inherited France’s financial issues from his predecessors.  


What were the French “estates”? Which groups of people belonged to each one?

Social classes. 1st estate: Clergy. 2nd estate: Nobility. 3rd estate: The rest of the French population.


Who was Maximilien Robespierre?

Leader of the counterrevolution. A chief architect of the Reign of Terror. Believed France could only thrive through the use of Terror.


What was the Battle of Waterloo?

The battle were Napoleon was finally defeated


Who was Simon Bolivar?

A military general who led revolutions throughout Latin America


What was the Ancien Regime?

France’s order before the revolution


What were the grievances of the Third Estate before the Revolution?

Resented the unfair treatment of the first and second estates. Nobility were the only people allowed to hold high government positions. Unfair wages. Rising prices of essentials. High taxes.


What was the Reign of Terror?

An era of the French Revolution where terror was inflicted on anyone who disagreed with the revolutionary movement. Many executions took place for anyone that was thought to be committing treason.


What was the Scorched Earth Policy?

Russia’s response to the French invasion. Burned French crops and villages to the ground as they fought. Napoleon was not able to defeat the Russians.


What was the role of Catholic missionaries?

They converted many Native Americans to the Catholic faith


Why did Parisians storm the Bastille?

Parisians stormed the Bastille to gather weapons as they heard rumors that the king was going to send his army to stop the revolution.


What was the national assembly?

The revolutionary government formed by the Third Estates after the 1788 Estates-General meeting.


What was the Committee of Public Safety?

The group that held power during the Reign of Terror. Called for public executions.


What was the Louisiana Purchase?

After losing power in Haiti, Napoleon gave up on his plans to extend the French Empire to North America. He sold the French Louisiana territory to the United States for $15 million. It doubled the size of the United States.


What is mercantilism? 

Economic policy that is based on the idea that economic success comes from a positive balance of trade. Europeans implemented this by exporting raw materials from their overseas colonies.  


What was the Bourgeoise?

The French Middle class. Made up of bankers, MERCHANTS, manufacturers, lawyers, doctors, philosophers, etc.


What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man?

Modeled after the United States’ Declaration of Independence. All French men were “born and remain free and equal in rights.” Locke’s ideas of natural rights inspired the philosophes who wrote the declaration.


What was the significance of French radicals?

Caused mass chaos. Extended voting rights to all males.


What was the continental system? 

Napoleon’s response to not being able to defeat England. He closed European ports to British goods.


What was the social hierarchy in colonized Latin America?

White Europeans>Mestizos and Mulattoes>Slaves and natives


What was the March on Versailles?

Women demanded that the royal family returned to Paris. Revolutionaries held the family as prisoners.


Who was Jacques Necker?

Financial advisor that suggested that Louis XVI tax the first and second estates.


What was the Directory?

The new form of government after the Reign of Terror. Made up by members of the Bourgeoisie. Failed to address domestic issues and international threats.


What was the Congress of Vienna?

European heads of state met to bring peace and stability back to Europe. They wanted to create a balance of power, restore monarchies, and to redraw the map of Europe.


What form of government did Latin American governments create after gaining independence from the Europeans?

Democratic republics
