Basic Rules
Ms. Reynolds

What is a consequence of not being respectful to others?

a) Your classmates might not want to work with you or play with you at recess

b) Your teacher might be disappointed in your behavior 

c) Your parents might be disappointed to hear about your behavior 

d) All of the above

All of the above


True or False? 

When we go to recess, it's a good idea to use the restroom before or after. We only have 15 minutes outside and the teachers would prefer you not to waste that time



It's the beginning of the day and you got walked into the classroom, what should you do?

a) Dance on top of a table and have a blast

b) Go up to your best friend to show them that cool Tik Tok dance you learned

c) Put away your backpack and start your morning work

d) Get on your iPad and play games

Put away your backpack and start your morning work


Ms. Reynolds is in the middle of teaching a lesson and you have a question or want to say something, what do you do?

a) Interrupt her and yell your question out loud 

b) Don't ask your question because you are too nervous 

c) Raise you hand and wait for her to call on you

d) Talk to the person next to you

Raise you hand and wait for her to call on you


Besides 5th grade, what other grade has Ms.Reynolds taught? 

a) 2nd

b) 3rd

c) 4th

d) 6th



True or False?

Teachers love when students yell at them. If a teacher tells you something that you may not agree with, the best thing that you can do is scream at them because then you will get your way.



When Ms. Reynolds or any other teacher blows the whistle at the end of recess, what should you do?

a) Stop what you are doing and line up to go inside

b) Take you time and walk as slowly as you can to get in line (Ms.Reynolds loves waiting)

c) Continue to play and have a good time

d) Don't line up

Stop what you are doing and line up to go inside


It's the end of the day and Ms. Reynolds asks you to pack up, what do you do?

a) Clean your table/area, pack up and have a seat

b) Leave everything on the table/floor and go home (we have custodians for reason, duh!)

c) Clean/pack up but then walk around the classroom and bother Ms.Reynolds

d) Don't pack up and stay at school all night

Clean your table/area, pack up and have a seat


You need to use the restroom, what should you do?

a) Leave the classroom without telling Ms.Reynolds

b) Don't go- hold it until you get home

c) Sneak out and tell nobody where you are going

d) Ask Ms.Reynolds and she will let you go

Ask Ms.Reynolds and she will let you go


How many years has Ms. Reynolds been teaching for?

a) 3

b) 2

c) 4

d) 5

4 years


Your classmate is carrying their water bottle, slips and spills it on the ground, what should you do?

a) Point and laugh at them

b) Help them up and offer to help them clean the spill

c) Ignore them 

d) Yell at them for being so clumsy

Help them up and offer to help them clean the spill


You are playing a game and someone gets hurt, what do you do?

a) Let them deal with it on their own

b) Tell them that they aren't really hurt and it's not a big deal 

c) Immediately get a teacher for help

d) Ignore that person and continue to play your game 

Immediately get a teacher for help


Aren't Ms.Reynolds' hot air balloons so cool? What should you do with them?

a) Have a contest with your buddies to see who can jump up and touch them

b) Look at them/appreciate them but LEAVE THEM ALONE

c) Throw stuff at them to see if you can knock them down (because it's not like it was difficult for Ms.Reynolds to hang them up, right?)

d) Pull up a chair underneath them to see if you can touch one

Look at them/appreciate them but LEAVE THEM ALONE


Oh no! Your pencil broke and you need to sharpen it, when is the best time to sharpen it?

a) In the middle of Ms.Reynolds giving directions

b) When nobody is speaking/presenting in class

c) When Ms. Reynolds is trying to teach a lesson

d) When your classmate is presenting a project to the class

When nobody is speaking/presenting in class


What college did Ms. Reynolds graduate from?

a) University of Missouri 

b) University of Kansas

c) University of Nebraska 

d) Kansas State University

K-State (Go wildcats!!)


When Ms.Reynolds or anyone else is presenting in front of the class, what is the most respectful thing to do?

a) Ignore them and doodle on your paper

b) Turn to the person next to you and tell the funniest joke you've ever heard 

c) Listen and give them your attention (presenting can make people nervous)

d) Talk over them if you have something to say 

Listen and give them your attention (presenting can make people nervous)


Isn't our recess equipment so great? How should we treat it? 

a) If you are playing with a ball, leave it in the middle of the soccer field (I'm sure someone will get it)

b) When you are done using something, put it away so it can be brought inside when recess is over

c) Find the sharpest stick and see if you can pop the equipment (because it will totally get replaced, right?)

d) Leave everything outside when recess is done (4th grade wouldn't steal our equipment I bet)

When you are done using something, put it away so it can be brought inside when recess is over


Isn't our classroom supply station so useful? How should you treat it?

a) Mix-up all the supplies- the more confusing the better

b) Steal everything and put it in your cubby (because Ms.Reynolds will totally replace it all, right?)

c) Break all the pencils and crayons, and definitely leave the caps off the markers

d) Use supplies when you need them and put them away in the correct bin when you are done

Use supplies when you need them and put them away in the correct bin when you are done


Ms. Reynolds is giving you instructions on an assignment/activity, what should you do?

a) Listen to her and ask question if you need to once she's done.

b) Don't listen and then ask her to reexplain the directions afterwards because she that won't annoy her at all 

c) Talk with your best friend about what you are going to do at recess

d) Ignore everything she says and then be very confused once she gives you the assignment

Listen to her and ask question if you need to once she's done.


Ms. Reynolds got engaged last school year. What is her fiancé's name?

a) Andrew

b) Thomas

c) Micheal 

d) Matthew

Thomas :)


What should you do if you hear something negative about another person or you see someone "spreading drama"

a) Continue to spread the drama and tell everyone all the information you heard 

b) Confront that person and say negative things back to them 

c) Text your friend about it and tell them

d) Stay out of it, ignore that person and tell the teacher if the issue is serious enough

Stay out of it, ignore that person and tell the teacher if the issue is serious enough


You and your friends are playing kick ball and can't agree on the rules, what should you do?

a) Try and talk it out- only get a teacher if you can't resolve the issue

b) Scream and insult anyone who does not agree with the rules of the game

c) Take the ball and throw it over the fence so that nobody gets to play kickball anymore

d) Immediately get the teacher before trying to solve the issue because they are trained referees

Try and talk it out- only get a teacher if you can't resolve the issue


True or False?

Ms. Reynolds loves art! Especially when it's on her furniture. She would love it if you showed off your art skills by drawing on the tables/chairs/walls :)



You are walking in line in the hallway, what should you do?

a) Talk as loudly as you can (teachers in other classrooms love noisy hallways lol)

b) Walk, stay in line and keep your voice off (unless there is an emergency)

c) Walk right next to your best friend (because that's how lines work, right) 

d) Run as fast as you can (I heard there is a price for getting to specials early)

Walk, stay in line and keep your voice off (unless there is an emergency)


Ms. Reynolds loves her dog, what is that dog's name?

a) Ruby 

b) Phoebe 

c) Frannie 

d) Bella

