What LOMA stands for?
Life Office management Association
I have been married 44 years. We got married on my birthday.
Michèle Hnatyshen
My childhood celebrity crush was Corey Hart.
Chantal Shaw
Jannick Robichaud
I'm on your phone and you need me to use Reflex, Sylvie, RGA Central and eventually to remote start your car this winter.
David's father has three sons: John, Jack and ?
What CIU stands for?
Canadian Institute of Underwriters
The first LP I bought with my own money was Wham.
Annie Cartolano
I am the Friday Patio Queen.
Seema Samad
I can lift 500 pounds at the gym.
Jesse Lalande
What belongs to you, but is used by everyone you meet?
Your name.
What SUP stands for?
Supplemental Underwriting Program
I worked as security at a Belinda Carlisle show.
Garen Markarian
My favorite movies are Titanic and Harry Potter.
Jayne Makone
Name 2 companies for PolicyME.
Blue Cross
Two fathers and two sons are in a car, yet there are only three people in the car. How?
They are grandfather, father, and son.
What FALU stands for?
Fellow, Academy of Life Underwriting.
A favorite quote: "What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger."
Marie-Pier Dubé
My pet peeve: on train/bus rides during rush hour when people don't take off their backpacks and move further into the cabin.
Eldrida Ruiz
What was Tony Cheng's original position when he first joined RGA in 1997?
Chief Actuary.
What is at the end of a rainbow?
The letter W
What FacOb stands for?
My favorite author is Guillaume Musso.
Marie-Josée Verret
At a former job my nick name was Clarence Bananabread.
Grant Burnham
My spouse recently gifted me 2 puppies.
Rhonda Thompson
What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?
Their middle names.
What AURA stands for?
Automated Underwriting Risk Analysis
My favorite singer is Pink.
Sophie Payeur
I recently climbed the stairs to the top of the CN tower in 21 minutes.
Bill Berthiaume
This vision will “provide direction and align our goals, driving us toward greater growth and impact”
North Star
What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
The letter M.
What GSPO standards for?
Global Security and Privacy Office
I cannot cook rice to save my life.
Jennifer Burgess
One of my pet peeves is people who spoil TV shows/movies.
Aman Sohi
Name all active SUP contracts.
Equitable, Coralisle, Union Vie, Teachers, Policy Me, Cooperators
What 5 letter word becomes shorter when you add letters to it?
What CPAP stands for?
continuous positive airway pressure
We worked as financial advisors.
Annie T and Diona
I make my own maple syrup.
Nathalie Tremblay
I have been with RGA for 27 wonderful years.
Norm Scully
A man looks at a picture and says “Brother and sisters, I have none. But that man’s father is my father’s son”. Who is the picture of?
The man's son.