Perspective Taking
Surprise Me

What's going on here? How can you tell and what does it look like they are feeling?

  1. A friend floods you with hundreds of unwanted texts a day. Think of a rude and a polite way to respond. Which do you think would work better and why?

Abby and Janelle go shopping and both fall in love with the same purse.  How can they come to a compromise. 

Both decide not to get the bag and pick something else out, or they can both buy it and agree to not wear it same day/time, etc. 



A compromise is when two people come to an agreement about something that they are both happy with, even if they have to give up some aspects of what they want.  



True or False? 

Ketchup was sold as medicine in the 1830s? 


Thirty years before Heinz started bottling and selling the stuff as a condiment, an Ohio physician named Dr. John Cook Bennett thought the tomato-based product was as good as Pepto-Bismol. He said it could cure diarrhea and indigestion, and even concentrated ketchup into pill form to sell to the stomach-achy masses.


What's going on here? How can you tell and what does it look like they are feeling?

  1. A friend posted a photo on social media of you drooling in your sleep. You’re angry and humiliated. Think of a rude way to respond and then a polite way. Which is better and why?

After dinner your brother and you usually get an ice cream sandwich for dessert.  Tonight, there is only one left.  How could you compromise? 

They can split it, or one can have one tonight and tomorrow the other can have theirs, one person gets ice cream sandwich and one gets another treat for dessert


What is one way to deal with someone teasing you? 

Ignore it, laugh at the joke, stay away from it, agree with the teasing, etc. 


In an attempt to make their menu more nutritious, McDonald's once created broccoli that tasted like bubblegum or Ice cream?



What's going on here? How can you tell and what does it look like they are feeling?

  1. Your best friend spends half the time you’re together texting other friends. You think of sending your friend a text saying, “PUT DOWN YOUR PHONE AND BE WITH ME!” but maybe there’s a better solution. What is it?

Friend A and Friend B are working on a math paper together. Friend A likes quiet work time. Friend B taps his pencil on the desk because it helps him count in his head.

Work in different areas? 


What is one reason it would be okay to interrupt someone? 

Someone might be in danger. 


True or False? 

The first oranges were actually Red? 

The first oranges were actually green! 


What's going on here? How can you tell and what does it look like they are feeling?


You just got your driver’s license and you ask your dad if you can borrow his car on Friday night. He wants to know where you plan on going, and you tell him that you want to drive three of your friends to the movie theater. He quickly says “No, you aren’t ready to drive in a car full of loud teenagers.” You yell that he’s “unfair” and is “trying to ruin your life.” He says that now you have to wait a month before you can borrow his car for any reason.

Discussion Questions: 1. What would be a better way to respond to your dad after he said you couldn’t borrow his car on Friday? Why do you think he said “no”? 2. How can you resolve the conflict, or at least ease your dad’s anger? What can your dad do to resolve the situation?


You keep you things super tidy and nice, but your friend has a tendency to lose or break her items.  She asks to borrow your science kit for next period cause she forgot hers at home and she will get a zero if she doesn't have it for the lab.  How can they compromise? 


List at least 3 coping strategies you can use when you get angry or upset at school. 

Take a walk, drink some water, talk to the school counselor...


Cookie monster's real name is SID or RODNEY? 



What's going on here? How can you tell and what does it look like they are feeling?


You know you’ve failed your math quiz, even though you studied. You talk to your teacher after class to express your frustration with the quiz, and to let him or her know that you studied geometry problems for two hours. When your teacher hands out the graded papers, he or she loudly jokes, “Guess you study as well as you do math,” and hands you a paper with an “F” on it. You share the exchange with your mom, who calls the principal for a meeting.

1. Four people are now involved in this conflict (you, your teacher, your mom, and your principal). How can this situation be mediated and resolved so that everyone is pleased with the outcome?

2. What could you have said or done when your math teacher made fun of your quiz grade that would have de-escalated the situation?

  • You are a student at an English school in the US or the UK. You’d like your parents to send you some more spending money.  Your father feels that you are spending too much money. Come to a compromise.

List 3 things that may trigger anger at school? 

Other kids being rude/obnoxious, not knowing how to complete an assignment, a kid cut you in line. 


True or False? 

Vending machines kill more people than sharks? 

