a statement that asserts a particular point of view or argument, which the author aims to prove or convince the reader of, typically supported by evidence and reasoning throughout the essay
What is the rhetorical device used below?
You are a rose.
Ethos appeals to what?
Ethics or credibility
What rhetorical appeal is used below?
He is a forensics and ballistics expert for the federal government — if anyone's qualified to determine the murder weapon, it's him.
Tenant having to with being sure of yourself, believing in your abilities, and not doubting your worth.
Writing refers to the writer's attitude or emotional stance toward the subject, audience, or both. It is conveyed through word choice, sentence structure, and style, and it helps set the mood of the piece.
What figure of speech is used below?
"Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred."
Pathos appeals to what?
Emotion or feelings
What rhetorical appeal is used below?
After years of this type of disrespect from your boss, countless hours wasted, birthdays missed … it's time that you took a stand.
Tenant having to do with nature being a special, magical thing that is a powerful force that connects us to something greater.
Divine Quality of Nature
The central idea, message, or underlying meaning in a literary work. It is a universal concept or insight about life, society, or human nature that the author explores through the story. They are often implied rather than explicitly stated.
What is the rhetorical device used below?
"I have a dream that one day... I have a dream that one day... I have a dream today."
Logos appeals to what?
Logical thinking (using facts, numbers, etc.)
What rhetorical appeal is use below?
You know me — I've taught Sunday School at your church for years, babysat your children, and served as a playground director for many summers — so you know I can run your preschool.
Tenant having to do with not following what everyone else is doing. Being yourself and thinking for yourself.
A statement or prompt that urges the audience to take a specific action. It is often used in persuasive or motivational writing to encourage readers to respond, act, or change their behavior in some way.
Call to Action
What is the rhetorical device used below?
“I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight."
What rhetorical appeal is used below?
Students who practice timed ACT tests at least once a week are 76% more likely to raise their score.
What rhetorical appeal is used below?
More than one hundred studies have been conducted over the past decade, and none of them suggests that this is an effective treatment for hair loss.
Tenant having to do with disagreeing with the rules or laws that you think are unfair and peacefully standing up for what you believe in.
Civil Disobedience/ Free Thought
a question asked to make a point rather than to elicit an answer. It often emphasizes an idea, persuades the audience, or provokes thought.
Rhetorical Question
refers to the implied or emotional meaning of a word beyond its literal definition. Words can carry positive, negative, or neutral connotations, influencing how they are perceived.
What rhetorical appeal is used below?
Please think about adopting that dog. It has been at the shelter for 5 years, and it is just looking for a place to call home after its owner abandoned it.
What rhetorical appeal is used below?
If we don't move soon, we're all going to die! It is too dangerous here.
Tenant having to do with learning to do things on your own and trusting yourself. Believing in your abilities and don't doubt your worth.