Pertaining to or intended for teaching, instructing, or conveying moral or educational lessons, often in a formal or pedantic manner.
How are denotation and connotation different?
Connotation encompasses the emotional and cultural associations of a word, while denotation represents its literal dictionary definition.
What does the term “Synecdoche” mean?
a figure of speech used to represent something as a whole
What is the author's purpose for the use of “Tone"
Aspects of their character persona towards a topic they would like to expose to their reader.
Define the word “allegory”
a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning.
What is "I wish I could click my heels together" an example too?
Wizard of oz - allusion
What rhetorical device characterized by the repetition of conjunctions
The representation of something smaller, worse, or less important than it actually is.
What are the three words that fall under the umbrella of Juxtaposition?
oxymoron, antithesis, paradox
What is Anecdote?
A brief story at the beginning of another story.
What rhetorical device refers to a situation or statement that allows for multiple interpretations?
What is "colloquialism?"
A word or phrase that is not formal or literary,
What is Assoncence?
Repetition of a vowel
What is the purpose of a rhetorical question?
A rhetorical question is usually designed to speak directly to the reader. It allows the reader a moment to pause and think about the question.
How does tone affect the author's writing?
The tone of writing significantly influences the overall mood, attitude, and perception conveyed to the reader.
What is the most common example of anaphora that happened in real life?
I have a Dream speech
Device that refers to the emotional and cultural associations of a word, beyond its literal meaning
A rhetoric device that involves expressing an idea by negating its opposite, often through the use of double negatives or understatement
What's the difference between Satire and Sarcasm?
Satire criticizes society, while sarcasm mocks or insults individuals.
Two contrasting words that combine to create a new figure of speech, think in terms in pairs.
Which rhetorical device utilizes similar grammatical structures to create balance, clarity, and emphasis in writing or speech?
What device has an example like "fire can represent anger, light can represent pure."
What is the definition of “Epistrophe.”
Rhetorical device that involves repeating a word or phrase at the end of successive clauses or sentences.
A device that uses humor, irony, and ridicule to criticize human flaws and societal shortcomings in order to provoke change.
Why is euphemism used in writing?
Used in writing for various reasons, primarily to soften or mask harsh or unpleasant language, to convey sensitive or delicate topics with more tact, or to create a more polite and socially acceptable tone.