14-day written notice to vacate
What is the legal amount of time a property manager must provide to the tenant before filing for eviction?
AMI stands for
What is Area Medium Income?
The status that comes after Funding Approved
What is Payment in Process?
If a person is living in a shelter, motel/hotel, car(s) or encampment(s), they are considered
What is literally homeless?
TIC stands for
What is Trauma-Informed Care?
This is the original name of the TRC
What is Tenant Resource Center?
The maximum monetary amount we can assist with on an application
What is $10,000?
This is the email address to use if a property manager has not received payment that was sent
What is housingstabilitypayments@hennepin.us?
The year STH started
What is 2023?
This is the author of the book "Evicted"
Who is Matthew Desmond?
The year the TRC opened
What is 2020?
This is the amount of FHPAP providers we support
What is 11?
The days of the week checks are cut
What are Wednesdays and Fridays?
LHPA stands for
What is Local Homeless Prevention Aid?
The names of the 3 teams in Housing Stability
What is Rare, Brief, and Nonrecurring?
You can connect with this person if you press line 1 at the TRC
What is a court navigator?
FHPAP stands for
What is Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program?
OBF stands for
What is the Office of Budget and Finance?
The McKinney Vento definition of Homeless is also known as what?
What is the Education Act?
Hennepin County ended homelessness for this group of people
What are veterans?
The judge at eviction court is also known as...
What is the referee?
This funds HEP
What is the metro sales tax?
Where checks can only be mailed to
What is the address on the W9 form?
These are the schools STH will assist
What is Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Hopkins, Robbinsdale, Richfield, Intermediate, Brooklyn Center?
LEAG stands for
What is Lived Experience Advisory Group?