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The purpose of this policy is to provide a clear system to relieve a caregiver who is frustrated to reduce the risk of child abuse.

 What is Take 5 Policy


Families will be contacted if we have not received notification of child’s absence.

What is Attendance Policy


Children will never be left unattended.

Always keep one hand on the child.

Staff will use this time to interact with the child and promote self-help skills as appropriate.

What is Diapering Policy


Due to health concerns; including allergies, food sensitivities and nutritional content, as well as religious and personal food preferences, we must restrict food prepared off site. Therefore, we do not allow outside food to be distributed to the children.

 What is Food Policy


Any information gathered in the exercise of duty must be securely guarded so that such information does not become known by unauthorized persons. If it is received in confidence, it must be maintained in confidence.


 What is Confidentiality Policy


RHS Inc. staff must ensure environments are safe in order to prevent injury to children in our care.   All staff must continuously monitor all environments for potential safety hazards.

What is Accident & Injury Prevention Policy


RHS will temporarily exclude a child or send the child home as soon as possible if one or more specified conditions exist.

What is Sick Child Policy


 All staff who care for children will use observation including, but not limited to, watching, counting, interacting, monitoring, preventing problems, and listening. 

What is Active Supervision Policy


 In order to uphold professional boundaries, employees are strongly discouraged from creating new online connections with families enrolled in RHS, Inc.

What is Social Media Policy


 Any employee who intentionally or knowingly verifies false information regarding the eligibility or enrollment of any Early Head Start or Head Start applicant will be disciplined consistent with Ravalli Head Start Inc. personnel policies.

What is ERSEA Policy


Follow your instincts; if something feels potentially dangerous; leave the area and return to the office to follow up with the family and to meet with the supervisor.

What is Home Visitor Safety Policy


Children shall play outdoors daily for 30-45 minutes when weather and air quality conditions do not pose a health risk.

What is Outdoor Play Policy


Programs and staff members must not attempt to investigate; doing so can jeopardize the accuracy of the official investigation.

What is Child Abuse & Neglect Policy


 For your own safety and for the safety of all others who work for RHS, Inc., employees are required to report, in writing, any reasonable suspicion of on-the-job use of prohibited substances and/or alcohol.

What is Alcohol & Substance Use Policy


 Prohibits use of any form of verbal abuse, including profanity, sarcastic language, threats, or derogatory remarks about the child or child’s family;

What is Standards of Conduct


RHS, Inc. staff will complete the class, “Infant Safety Essentials” to learn of possible causes of children’s crying, fussing, or acting out and ways to identify and mediate these causes.

What is Shaken Baby Prevention Policy


RHS, Inc. implements positive guidance methods to strengthen each child's sense of security, self-regulation, social competence, and self worth.

What is Child Guidance Policy


All infants will be placed on their back to sleep in safety-approved cribs only.

What is Safe Sleep Policy


Provides requirements for expenditures and disbursements.

What is Financial Policies


Punctual and regular attendance is an essential responsibility of each employee at RHS Inc.
Employees are expected to report to work as scheduled, on time, and prepared to start working.

What is Employee Attendance Policy


Child will only be released to authorized persons on the emergency form. ID will be required if identity is unknown.

What is Sign In Sign Out Policy


Outlines employee leave benefits and employee disciplinary action.

What is Personnel Policies


When a child requires medication to be administered at RHS, Inc. a parent must make arrangements to give the first dose at home so that the child may be observed for any reactions to the medication.

What is Medication Administration Policy


 Inhaling second-hand smoke/vapor has been linked to respiratory problems in children, including acute and chronic infections.

 What is Smoking, Tobacco, & Inhalant Use Policy


 All data must be entered into the appropriate system in a timely manner to allow for use in ongoing monitoring and continuous improvement efforts.  Supervisors will be responsible for monitoring the timeliness of data entry and the accuracy of the data entered.

What is Data Management Policy
