How many beats are in a quarter note?
One beat
What note is on the 1st line?
How many lines are on the music staff?
What is number of beats?
Quarter note + Quarter Note
2 beats
True or False: Almonds and Peaches are in the same family.
How many beats are in a quarter rest?
One beat
What note is on the 1st space?
How many spaces are there on the music staff?
What is number of beats?
Half note + Quarter Note
3 beats
What is the only animal that cannot physically stick their tongue out?
What fraction of a beat is in an eighth note?
One half of a beat
What note is on the 3rd line?
What is the symbol that tells us where the notes go on the music staff?
Treble Clef/Clef
What is number of beats?
Quarter rest + Whole note
5 beats
How long does it take the average person to fall asleep?
7 minutes
How many beats are in a half note?
Two beats
What note is on the 4th space?
What do we call the sections of beats the music is broken up into?
What is number of beats?
Quarter note + Quarter Note + Half note
4 beats
What was ketchup first marketed as?
How many beats are in a whole note?
Four beats
What note is on the 5th line?
What breaks the music staff up into measures?
Bar Line
What is the number of beats?
Quarter note + Half Note + Whole note
7 beats
McDonalds once made ______________ flavored broccoli.