Solar Eclipse
Text Evidence
Standard Words

Which of the weekly vocabulary words would best complete the following sentence? 

Jessie and his brothers rode their four-wheelers down the rough and ______________ terrain. 



Which of the following is an inference that can be made about the author's perspective in the text on pages 35-36?

A. Inventors and scientists work for years only to be outdone by people who stumble on new discoveries. 

B. Although accidental discoveries occur, many of them are still accompanied by years of hard work. 

C. Anyone can make scientific discoveries without much effort. 

B. Although accidental discoveries occur, many of them are still accompanied by years of hard work.


Which occurs during the daytime: solar eclipse or lunar eclipse?

Solar Eclipse


Which line from the passage about Venus fly traps describes the image?

A. "The Venus flytrap is a unique plant with many admirers."

B. "This ... plant grows in the bogs of North America."

C. The plant "clamps down in an instant when unsuspecting prey comes too close."

D. "It can even digest small frogs."

C. The plant "clamps down in an instant when unsuspecting prey comes too close."


What word means "to use what you know and what the text says to make an educated guess"?



Which of the following weekly vocabulary words best completes the following sentence?

The Covid-19 virus was largely ____________ to most antibiotics. 



Which statement is true about the author's opinion of Charles Goodyear in the text on pages 35-36?

A. Charles Goodyear only accidentally made discovers and none of his actual work was valuable. 

B. Charles Goodyear patented the discovery of vulcanized rubber. 

C. Charles Goodyear was a dedicated scientist who kept improving his work. 

C. Charles Goodyear was a dedicated scientist who kept improving his work.


According to the text, why do we not have a lunar eclipse every month? 

A. The moon is pulled in different directions by the sun. 

B. The moon travels too fast to block out the sun. 

C. The moon's orbit around Earth takes more than a month. 

D. The moon's orbit around Earth is tilted. 

D. The moon's orbit around Earth is tilted.


Which text evidence from pg. 6 BEST explains why people come to see the corpse flower? 

A. "They grow at an impressive rate."

B. "Its unusual smell - like a decomposing body - when in bloom."

C. "Who wouldn't jump at the chance to see the world's worst-smelling flower?"

D. "More than 16,000 visitors did just that..."

B. "Its unusual smell - like a decomposing body - when in bloom."


What word means what the text is mostly about?

central idea


Which of the weekly vocabulary terms best completes the following sentence? 

Violet wants to travel to a ___________ island to relax and unwind. 



After reading the text on pages 35-36, which statement is true about Alexander Fleming's initial understanding of penicillin?

A. He hoped that penicillin would cure certain diseases. 

B. He was unaware that penicillin would have any effect. 

C. He was sure penicillin would be a helpful medicine. 

D. He knew penicillin was deadly to certain bacteria. 

B. He was unaware that penicillin would have any effect.


Fill in each blank with the appropriate words. 

During a solar eclipse, the __________ gets between the ________ and the ________. 

Earth, sun, moon

moon sun Earth


Which of the following details is NOT strong support for why people would be so interested in the corpse flower? 

A. It smells like rotting flesh. 

B. It often grows as tall as a man. 

C. It blooms for only a short time. 

D. It lures in insects for pollination. 

D. It lures in insects for pollination. 


What word means a specific one? 



Which of the weekly vocabulary words best completes the following sentence?

After planting and watering the garden and still seeing nothing growing, Gregory started to wonder if the plot of land was ____________. 



Which detail best conveys the central idea of paragraph 4 from pg. 8?

A. Birds can loosen seeds and snails when they preen their feathers. 

B. The great frigate bird has an impressive two-meter wingspan. 

C. Insects and seeds travel on birds that migrate and flee from storms. 

D. Berry seeds often drop into cracks and crevices and start to take root. 

C. Insects and seeds travel on birds that migrate and flee from storms.


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. 

During a lunar eclipse, the __________ gets between the _______ and the _________. 

Earth, sun, moon

Earth sun moon

The author of "Against All Odds" claims that Hawaii's story is unique because of the great distance life traveled to get there. 

Which piece of evidence supports this claim? 

A. "It took time, but these barren new worlds, risen from the sea and born of fire, finally surrendered to the slow but persistent assault of life."

B. "Hawaii is the most isolated island group on Earth ... yet, life did get to Hawaii, and it did so in three ways: wind, wings, and water."

C. "They had to struggle to survive on harsh Hawaii, feeding on organic debris."

B. "Hawaii is the most isolated island group on Earth ... yet, life did get to Hawaii, and it did so in three ways: wind, wings, and water."


What does the word "cite" mean?

to quote from the text


Which of the weekly vocabulary terms best completes the sentence?

The map showed that the river would _____________ all through the woods. 



What could a reader infer after reading the text on pages 8-9?

A. Hawaii is a special island group. 

B. Life got to Hawaiian islands through wind, wings, and water. 

C. Life on Hawaii is likely to die out soon. 

D. The powerful winds are the most prominent way that life gets to Hawaii. 

A. Hawaii is a special island group. 


What are two inferences that can be made about a solar eclipse as it is happening? 

A. During the eclipse, Earth is casting its shadow on the sun. 

B. The eclipse lasts for several days in a row. 

C. It's daytime when the eclipse happens. 

D. During the eclipse, the moon appears to be red. 

E. Only some people on Earth can see the eclipse. 

C. It's daytime when the eclipse happens. 

E. Only some people on Earth can see the eclipse. 

The central idea of paragraph 3 is that wind helped bring plant and animal life to Hawaii. 

Which sentence BEST conveys that central idea?

A. "Many of Hawaii's plants, spiders, and insects have origins in Asia, thanks to the torrent of thin air called the jet stream."

B. "Each January, the eastward flowing jet stream makes a southerly meander over Asia."

C. "As the eastward flowing jet stream moves away from Asia, it slows to a minimum of about 1 to 10 mph."

A. "Many of Hawaii's plants, spiders, and insects have origins in Asia, thanks to the torrent of thin air called the jet stream."


What does the word explicitly mean?

stated exactly in the text
