Reading words with automaticity at an appropriate pace with appropriate expression.
What is fluency?
These are words that do not follow regular spelling or phonics rules.
What are sight words?
Definition: A two letter combination that makes one sound.
What is a digraph?
If a 2nd grade student has trouble reading the words "my" and "the", what might the student need help with?
What are sight words?
This is the ultimate goal of reading.
Phonemic awareness, letter recognition, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, academic knowledge, background knowledge all affect it.
What is reading comprehension?
The knowledge that letters represent speech sounds. English is an alphabetic language because symbols represent sounds.
What is the alphabetic principle?
The ability to distinguish the separate sounds in a spoken word.
What is phonemic awareness?
The smallest unit of a speech sound.
What is a phoneme?
If a student can decode (read) a story, but has trouble retelling it, what might the student need support with?
What is comprehension?
Do this to support a student's independent reading.
What is
finding books that fit a student's interest at their independent reading level?
The understanding that text is read from top to bottom and left to right. The text tells the story rather than the pictures.
What is concepts about print?
Reading instruction where children learn to make correct associations between the sounds (phonemes) and (graphemes) letters.
What is phonics?
Definition: When two or more consonants appear together and you hear each sound that each consonant would normally make.
What is a blend?
If a student reads slowly with very little expression and reads word by word, what might they need help with?
What is fluency?
Elkonin Boxes are used to build this skill by segmenting words into individual sounds.
What is phonemic awareness?
If a teacher points to a letter and the student knows the name of it, what is that skill called?
What is letter recognition?
The reading level that is too hard for the student to decode or comprehend?
What is frustration level?
Is the sound -op in the word "mop" is considered to be a .....
What is a rime?
If a student is not familiar with stories such as Cinderella or Little Red Riding Hood, what might the student need support with?
What is background knowledge?
An assessment that teachers use (during a unit) to see if their students are learning what is being taught.
What is a formative assessment?
How many morphemes are in the word "unkindly"?
What are three (3)?
What two skills are the best predictor of future reading success?
What is phonemic awareness?
What is letter recognition?
Definition: the process of decoding a multisyllabic word with an affix (prefix, suffix) added to the base word.
What is structural analysis?
If a student mistakes the letter "d" for the letter "b", what might you do to help him/her learn the directionality of letters?
What is tracing the letters in sand (or another kinesthetic activity)?
A student reads the word "settlement" as [set lem ent] what instructional strategy would you use to help this student decode this word
What is explicit instruction in affixes (prefixes, suffixes) to build structural analysis of multi-syllabic words?
In this case, teaching the student the suffix, ment.