Youth Empowerment Services (YES)
Emergency Preparedness/ Self Care and Wellness
Assistive Technology Training & Services
TBI Program/Individual & System Advocacy
Independent Living Services/ Transition and Diversion

How old do consumers need to be to join the YES program?

14-28 years old


What are three examples of emergency planning?

- Earthquakes

-Power outages




True or False

Assistive technology ONLY provides technology devices?



What is Traumatic Brain Injury? 

It is an injury that can cause a disruption in the normal function of the brain that can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head. 


What does W.R.I.L stand for? 

And who refers consumers to W.R.I.L? 

Work Readiness Independent Living 

Central Valley Regional Center- CVRC


What is the name of the meeting that takes place through zoom for youth and young adults? And what time does it start? 

Don't Just Talk About It, Be About It

at 3:30pm


Why is self-care important? and name 5 things you can do for self-care. 

Self-care helps relax, refocus, and have a healthy lifestyle. 


What does AT program provides? 

Training and/or products, equipment, and systems to enhance learning. 


What are the three types of advocacy that RICV focuses on? 

Self Advocacy

Individual Advocacy

Systems Advocacy


True or False

Individuals referred to RICV for Housing Navigation services and Housing Tenancy Services are required to have a transition Care Plan



Name 3 Services that Youth Empowerment Services provide.

-Financial Literacy

-Pre-employment skills training

-Healthy Living training skills

- Empowerment through advocacy

- Civic Duty Education


what is the name of the new program that Gabby started last month (February) and what is their purpose? 

Lets Talk COVID 19

it is an open discussion about COVID 19. Consumers can talk about their experience/ thoughts and play games. 


What is the purpose of the Voice Options program?

To offer eligible Californians who are unable to speak or have difficulty speaking, with a free speech-generating device. 


Name 4 services that TBI provides.

Transitioning Diverse Services

Veteran Administration

Health care Assistants


SS Assistant


What are the 5 community support services that RICV provides?

Housing navigation services

housing Tenancy Services

Housing Deposit Services

Nursing Home Transition to the Community

Nursing Home Transition to Assisted Living


What does YEY stand for?

And what is its purpose? 

Youth Empowering Youth

Brings youth facilitators to classrooms to give youth-driven presentations based on classroom curriculum in High schools and Adult Transitioning programs classes.


What are the requirements of getting a backup battery? 

must use qualifying medical device

must be pg&e customer

Must live in HFTD


What is the name of the new program AT is currently working on?

and what is its purpose? 

Driving simulator Program

Purpose: Help anyone who can not move their feet practice driving.


What are two new support groups that have been added to the TBI program?

Traumatic Brain Injury support group

Caregiver Support Group


What is the difference between Transition and Diversion services?

Transitioning: helps people transition from a more restricted environment to a less restricted environment. 

Diversion: To prevent individuals from going to institutions or becoming homeless (staying in their communities)


Besides ongoing workshops, What are other events that YES conducts? 

Summer Programming

An annual self advocacy summit

Advocacy Symposium


What is the process of getting a backup battery?

-Apply PSPS application

-The client will be contacted by RICV or other participating organizations

-Assessment for battery needed

-Delivery/Pick up date

-Follow up


What does OBIS stand for? And What is its purpose? 

Online Brain Injury Support System

Test for traumatic brain injury and if clients tests positive they automatically become a TBI consumer. 


What does PIP stand for and what it provides to the consumers? 

Paid Internship Program

Gives consumers the opportunity to work at the employers and in the community hands-on experience while getting paid. Learn how to manage and save their money. 
