Number Riddles

What is seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen at the beginning or end of either month?

The letter R


Andy is put in a cell with a dirt floor and only one window. The window is too high for him to reach. The only thing in the cell is a shovel. He won’t be able to get any food or water and only has two days to escape or he’ll die. Andy can’t dig a tunnel because it will take him much longer than two days to do it. How will Andy escape from the cell?

Andy has to use the shovel to create a pile of dirt under the window so he can climb up onto it and escape from the cell.


A girl has as many brothers as sisters, but each brother has only half as many brothers as sisters. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family?

Four sisters and three brothers.


I have many face expressions and emotions, and I am usually right at your fingertips. What am I?

What are emojis?


What word in the English language does the following:

The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great woman. What is the word? 

What is a heroine?


Jennifer and Madeline went out for lunch. Both order iced tea to drink. Jennifer had an appointment later, so she finished her drink quickly, and finished two more in the time that it took Madeline to finish just one. Soon after, Madeline dropped dead, but Jennifer was unharmed. The police ruled it a murder, and found that both the drinks were poisoned.

The poison was in the ice. Jennifer drank her iced tea too quickly for the ice to melt.


If two’s company, and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?

What is the number 9?


A is the brother of B. B is the brother of C. C is the father of D. So how is D related to A?

A is D’s uncle.


 A woman shoots her husband, then holds him underwater for five minutes. Next, she hangs him. Right after, they enjoy a lovely dinner. Explain.

She took a picture of him and developed it in her darkroom.


A girl is at the funeral of her mother. She meets a nice guy that she didn’t know who also was at the funeral and they hit it off. She was busy at the funeral and didn’t have time to ask him for his number before he left. She tried really hard to track him down, but no one knew who he was or how to contact him. A few days later her sister dies and the police suspect it to be a murder. Who killed her sister?

She killed her sister. She was hoping that if someone else in her family died, the man she met at her mother’s funeral would show up again.


One brother says of his younger brother: “Two years ago, I was three times as old as my brother was. In three years time, I will be twice as old as my brother.” How old are they each now?

Two years ago, they were 15 and 5 respectively, and in three years, they will be 20 and 10


What is there one of in every corner and two of in every room?

What is the letter o?


Sam is outside a shop. She can't read the signs, but she knows she needs to go in to make a purchase. What store is she at?

A glasses store.


A dead female body lies at the bottom of a multistory building. It looks as though she committed suicide by jumping from one of the floors. When the detective arrives, he goes to the first floor of the building, opens the closed window, and flips a coin towards the floor. He goes to the second floor and does the exact same thing. He continues to do this until he gets to the top floor of the building.When he comes back down, he states that it was a murder and not a suicide. How does he know that?

She couldn’t have jumped from any of the floors because when the detective went to each floor, all of the windows were closed.


Old Granny Adams left half her money to her granddaughter and half that amount to her grandson. She left a sixth to her brother, and the remainder, $1,000, to the dogs’ home. How much did she leave altogether?

The total is $12,000.


One day, a magician was boasting about how long he could hold his breath underwater. His record was 6 minutes. A kid that was listening said, “that’s nothing, I can stay underwater for 10 minutes using no equipment or air pockets!” The magician told the kid if he could do that, he’d give him $10,000. The kid did it and won the money. How?

He filled a glass of water and held it above his head for 10 minutes.


George, Helen, and Steve are drinking coffee. Bert, Karen, and Dave are drinking Pepsi. Following this pattern, is Elizabeth drinking coffee or soda?

Coffee, just like all the other names with two E's. Those with one "E" drink Pepsi.


There is a man. He gets home after drinking, gets ready for bed, drinks a nightcap and then turns off the lights. The next morning he wakes up turns on the radio, and then k*lls himself. What happened?

He lives in a lighthouse and caused a crash!


TEN = 20, 5, 14. MEN = 13, 5, 14. Using the same logic, what do WOMEN equal?

WOMEN = 23, 15, 13, 5, 14. The numbers represent the letter's position in the English alphabet.


A dead body is found at the bottom of a multistory building. Seeing the position of the body, it is evident that the person jumped from one of the floors, committing suicide.

A detective is called to look after the case. He goes to the first floor and walks in the room facing the direction in which the body was found. He opens the window in that direction and flips a coin towards the floor. 

Then he goes to the second floor and repeats the process. He keeps on doing this until he reaches the last floor. Then, when he climbs down he tells the team that it is a murder not suicide.

How did he know he was dealing with a murder?

All the windows were closed!
