What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
Lunch and dinner!
I touch your face, I'm in your words, I'm lack of space and beloved by birds.
What has a head, a foot, and four legs?
A bed
What kind of music do rabbits like?
Hip Hop
If money really did grow on trees, what would be everyone’s favorite season?
You cut me up, you chop me up, you dice me up and you cry over me. What am I?
What is brown and sticky?
A stick
What is a tree that you can hold
A palm tree
Why do turkeys get full on Thanksgiving?
Beacase they are full of Stuffing
What’s the easiest way to double your money?
Put it in front of a riddle
What vegetable is the king of rock and roll?
Elvis Parsley
You will find him in the mountains
And you'll find him in the creek
He has no mouth -
Yet he speaks in every tongue
He has no ears -
And yet will answer every cry
Always having the final word
AN echo
When you take a look at my face, you will not find the number thirteen in any place. What am I?
A Clock
Buddy the dog was wearing a 2 foot leash. He sees a squirrel and wants nothing more than to chase after it. Lucky for him Buddy was finally able to catch the squirrel. How did he accomplish this?
Because the leash is not tied on to anything else
What do you call lending money to a bison?
A buff-a-loan
What did the doctor prescribe to the sick lemon?
What falls but never breaks?
What can pierce one's ears without a hole?
Imagine this: A swarm of bees are going to attack you. You are running as fast as you can, running for your dear life. They are closing in about to sting. How can you escape from them?
Quit imagining
Where do fish keep their money?
A River Bank
What kind of food does the baby chicken make when it goes to the bathroom?
What can you catch but not throw?
A cold
the one that can see can't hold,the one that can hold can't eat,the one that can eat can't be full.
eyes,hands,mouth and stomach
What animal has a cent?
A skunk
I dig out tiny caves, and store gold and silver in them. I also build bridges of silver and make crowns of gold. They are the smallest you could imagine. Sooner or later everybody needs my help, yet many people are afraid to let me help them. Who am I?
The Dentist