I can fly but I can not walk what am I?
what question can you never say yes to?
are you asleep yet?
A man who was outside when it was raining never got a drop of water on his hair. why?
hes bald
David's parents have three sons, Snap, Crackle and what's the name of the third son?
what invention lets you look through a wall?
a window
what has to be broken before you can use it?
what is always Infront of you but u can never see it?
the future
what gets wet while drying?
a towel
what has meany keys but cant open any lock?
a piano
what cant be put in a saucepan?
its lid
I am tall when I am young and I am short when I and old what am I?
there's a one story house, it has a yellow door, yellow wallpaper, and a yellow roof what color is there stairs?
there is none its a one story house
what can you keep after giving to some1?
your word
what is black when it's clean and white when its dirty?
a chalkbored
what goes up and down but never moves?
a staircase
what mouth of the year has 28 days?
all of them
what can you break if you never pick it up and never ouch it?
a promise
I shave everyday but my beard stays the same what am I?
a barber
what gets bigger when more is taken away?
a hole
what has lots of eyes but cant see?
a potato
what is full of holes but still holds water?
what goes up but never comes down?
your age
the more of this there is the lees you see what am I?
where does today come before yesterday?
the dictionary
what has hands but cant clap?
a clock